Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/267

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 111. 1857. 247 and he is hereby autherized to cause to be constructed for the United States navy, at as early a day as practicable consistent with a clue regard _ for economy and efficiency, five sloops of war, to be provided with screw sl0E*‘;°0?Q;$ m propellers, and properly armed and equipped for service; said vessels and be guilt by ,,0,,, machinery to be built by contract or in the government navy yards as the tract or in the Secretary of the Navy may think most advisable for the public interest; ““"Y V“”d" and that there be and is hereby appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy for the purpose above specified, the sum of one million dollars, out of any money in the treasury not oth- $1.900,300 3P- erwise appropriated. P"°P"°t° ' Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy NP¤$l=A>f pwd 0: is hereby autherized to sell at public auction the wharf at the Naval Asy- PQ5:dd;i1f;°20° lum at Philadelphia, and also the plat of ground cut off from the asylum be sold. by Shippen street, if in his opinion a fair price can be obtained for it, the proceeds to be carried to the credit of the Naval Hospital fund, from which fund they were purchased. S1·:c. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy be thS°°*°t“;g’ gg" and he is hereby directed to have prepared, and to report to Congress at p,.;;°,;?i and N; its next session for its approval, a code of regulations thr the government port to Congress of the navy, which shall embrace such general orders and forms for the M tm performance of all the necessary duties incumbent on the officers thereof, ` both ashore and afloat, including rules for the government of courts martial and courts of enquiry, as well as to establish the rank and precedence P°”’ P' 3m' of each grade of officers in the line of promotion, and the relative rank and precedence ashore and aiioat between them and non-combatants, and between officers and petty officers of all grades not in the line of promotion. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the sum of seventy-one thou- Agv¤<>pfi=»¤ti<>¤ sand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated, out of any money in "°Pp°d °m` the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be applied in carrying out the provisions of the third section of the act to amend an act entitled “An act 1855, ch. 127. to promote the efliciency of the' navy," granting one year’s duty pay to Egg ’;ilPi26g°é the dropped officers who shall not be restored to the navy; and that all ,4,,;,,, 1g4_ ' of said dropped omcers shall be entitled to receive the same forthwith; and if restored to the navy the amount so received under this provision shall be deducted from the pay to which they will be entitled under the sixth section of the said act to amend the “ act to promote the eiiiciency of the navy." Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Navy theXlQ;;;“£°’;§S be and he is hereby authorized to cause to be extended and completed the mba,,,,;,,,, of the exploration of the Parana and the tributaries of the Paraguay River: me If¤r¤g¤¤y M1- Provided, That the expense thereof shall not exceed twenty-five thousand th°m°d' dollars, which are hereby appropriated for that pu.rpose out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 10. And beitjiu·ther enacted, That the Secretaries of War and the SMP °*·¤¤l MM Navy be authorized, under the direction of the President, to employ such Eggfmls °f Dt officers of the army and navy as may be necessary for the purpose to make exploration and verification of the surveys already made of a ship canal near the Isthmus of Darien, to connect the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic by the Atrato and Turando rivers: Provided, That the expense shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, which are hereby appropriated therefor out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. ll. And be it further enacted, That for preparing, arranging, class- Preparing, Sec., ifying, and labelling the specimens of natural history brought home by SP°°l’“°“? °f the North Pacific exploring and surveying expedition, and for reporting gggggigthyigiggyb . . . ¤ Y the same to Congress, Wltll the appropriate drawings and catalogues, the the N<3f§h P=wi6¤ sum of fifteen thousand dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated °xp“dm°"' out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, subject to the control of the Secretary of the Navy. ‘