Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/268

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248 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 112, 113. 1867. Survjfging viii- Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the surviving officers of the

§;`5§$0 gf; navy of the Republic of Texas, who were duly commissioned as such at

A Pay . . . . for five years _ the time of annexation, shall be entitled to the pay of officers of the like f¤`°m ¤¤¤¤X¤**°¤· grades, when waiting orders, in the navy of the United States, for five years from the time of said annexation, and a sum sufficient to make the payment is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not Awe umm of otherwise appropriated : Provided, That the acceptance of the provisions such pag, to be 8, of this act by any of the said officers shall be a full relinquishment and renunciation of renunciation of all claim on his part to any further compensation on this E_~gl_1";;;gh¤gr 1;;};;]€)g‘y€};: g:tg1¤g€;€§mtes government, and to any position in the xon. - Approved, March 3, 1857. · March s 1857. Ch.2; _Act foérigg Relief q/ffgrfnfn 2:/qtuql iazerivpnd Ougivazws who hpur- ····· ·——· c sjoctto uatum,wztmte umtsqte octwQt, hundred and thirty, at a less Rule than the true graduated Prnbe, wider t$z;ngf1g`t;Zgqz·ddj uate and reduce the Price of the Public Lands to actual Settlers and Cultz'vat0rs,;’ ap- 1854, oh. 244. proved the fourth of August, eighteen hundred and _/i_/ly;/bur, and jbr other Purposes. Vol. . . 574. x P Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That any person or persons who may have entered, in good faith, lands subject to graduation within MIM- of ,,0,,,, the limits of the Choctaxv oession of eighteen hundred and thirty, before fide settles on the correct graduation hsts had been received at the local land-offices, at g‘:u?h°""’·w °°s' a less rate than the true graduation price, and who settled upon and improved the lands entered, or who entered the same for the benelit of an adjoining farm, and who continue. to occupy the same, shall be entitled (provided the entries are regular in all other respects) to receive patents for the lands so entered, settled upon, and occupied, without any additional payment being required of them, upon their makinv tho proof reouired by the circulars from the General Land—OHioe, datedathe twenty- third of January and the seventh of April, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, any law to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided That no proof shall be required which is not necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this act. Sec. 2. -And be it further enacted, That. the act of May nineteen, one Act of 18.52, thousand eight hundred and fifty-two, entitled "An act to authorize the cl; 3i, r?Sp§¤¤1¤}g legislature of the State of Mississippi to sell the lands heretofore approigisggsip;2 st;" priated for the use of schools in that Slate, and to ratify and approve the apply no mcse sales already made," be so construed as to apply to lands heretofore

‘;;$;‘5*`°’° '°‘ reserved for school purposes in the State of Mississippi.

VOL 3i_ p_ 6_ APPROVED, March 3, 1857. March 3, 1857. Cmm. CXIII.—-An Act making Ajrro nation f tl T r rt t' I U1' d gazsléllgg, by wi jteanneg oégedvise, Juorlizzglihe j,’iggdA?;'ea1rz•;)rild;ii_;; 5};: thzrthili , hteen u r a -ezg . StBe itjlnpicted Q1] the Senate and House of Representatives of the United alas 0 merica in Congress assembled That the followinrr sum` be and the same are hereby appropriated to he paid out of anycmone; in fo£]p§ili;r;LS;:g;a ;l;.eT;1e:.s1£3rhpe¢::no;h1;n;vr;? ;p(p1g>fp§ia£;;d& for the year ending the thirtieth J 5· _ For transportation of the mails from New York to Liverpool and back, To L'V°*'P°°]· three hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred dollars. leg; Nglarg: For transportation of the mails from N ew York to New Orleans, ton? Savannah, Charleston, Savannah, Havana, and Chagres, and back, two hundred Havana, and and sixty-one thousand dollars. Ch;§;;s·Pan1I“a For transportation of the mails from Panama. to California. and Oregon, to Cmifommlmd ppt;] lisa5k, threo hundred and twenty-eight thousand three hundred and Oregon. 1 y 0 Ill':}.