Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/281

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THIRTY-FIFT H CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6, 7. 1858. 261 For invalid pensions, under various acts, three hundred and twenty-five I**"°·l*d· thousand dollars. For pensions under acts of the eighteenth March, eighteen hundred 1818, cb. 19. and eighteen, fifteenth May, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and {gg $*1;% seventh June, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, eighteen thousand dol- ’` lars. - For pensions to widows of those who served in the revolutionary war, Widows of reunder the third section of the act of fourth July, eighteen hundred and g?l**l*°*“’~*'Y “°l‘ thirty-six, the acts of seventh July, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, 1;:;};, eh_ 362, third March, eighteen hundred and forty-three, seventeenth June, eigh- 1838,ch- 189- teen hundred and forty-tour, second February, and twenty-ninth July, gg ig: eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and second section act of third Feb- 1848:cb. s. ruary, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, two hundred and fifty thousand godollars. ’' For pensions to widows and orphans, under act of twenty-first of July, Wl<l¤W¤ Md eighteen hundred and forty-eight, first section act of third February, °r{°g1;u°éh_ 108_ eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and under special acts, eighty-six thou- 1853; ch. 41. sand dollars. For privateer invalids, five hundred dollars. Privateer in- For navy pensions to widows and orphans, under act of eleventh Valli? pensions. August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, ninety thousand dollars. mulch_ 15s_ Approved, February 10, 1858. Voi. ix. p. 2sz. Gun-.VIII -—An Act to enable the President of the United States to gm the Stipulalions March 4, 1858. contained in the third and sixth Articles of the Treaty between the {ted States and the ”""““ ‘ "' King of Denmark g` the eleventh April, eighteen hundred and jijtyseven, ybr the Discontmuanoe of the ound Dues. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the President of the United States Appropriationto fulfil the stipulations contained in the third and sixth articles of the Pos, p ,,19 ,,20 treaty between the United States and the King of Denmark, of the elev- ’ p` ’ ` enth April, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, viz: To carry out the stipulation contained in the third article of said treaty, three hundred and ninety-three thousand and eleven dollars. To carry out the stipulation contained in the sixth article of said treaty, fifteen thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars and forty-four cents, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the interest provided for in said article. Approved, March 4, 1858. Ar. 1 .-An Act to a r ate Mon to S1 I De ciencies in the A r riations _ Céfor Pa§er,·Printin%, Bihodiiiélj and Er(%ravin_¢;p¢b,r¢·;2leredjl`by the Senate arid Zouse of Represgrtatwes of the thirty-t ard and t zrty-fburth Congresses, and which has been execute . Be it enacted by the Senate and [Luce of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongresa assembled, That for the purpose of defray- ing the deficiencies in the appropriations for the paper for the printing, Approipriation for the printing, and for the binding, engraving, and lithographing ordered ;° **5*:**; *’£°*‘;*; by the Senate and House of Representatives of the thirty-third and thirty- tg,,,;, pgp ,,5,,,., fourth Congresses, the following sums of money are hereby appropriated £:cinti¤g,bi¤d¤¤g, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated: ‘ To pay for paper, one hundred and fbur thousand dollars. To pay for the printing ordered by the Senate and House of Representatives during the thirty-third and thirty-fourth Congresses, fifty-seven thousand six hundred and nineteen dollars and ninety-four cents. To pay for the binding, lithographing, and engraving ordered by the