Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/453

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THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 83. 1859. 433 For the purchase of horses for the two regiments of dragoons, the two HWS65- regiments of cavalry, the regiment of mounted rinemen, and the companies of light artillery, two hundred thousand dollars. For contingencies of the army, nfteen thousand dollars. contingencies. For the medical and hospital departments, ninety-one thousand dollars. Medical, src., For contingent expenses of the adjutant—general’s department at depart- d°E;;’§E:;’g0us ment head-quarters, nve hundred dollars. ` For compensation of the clerk and messenger in the onice of the commanding general, two thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the ofnce of the commanding general, three hundred dollars. For armament of fortifications, two hundred thousand dollars, out of Fo1‘l>if¤<>¤·l¤i0¤¤· which fifty thousand dollars are to be used for experiments on heavy ordnance. For ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies, including horse equip- ordnance,&.e. ments for the mounted regiments, two hundred thousand dollars. For the current expenses of the ordnance service, including experi- Experiments in ments in arms and ammunition, not otherwise provided for, one hundred *’·“”$· &°· thousand dollars. For the manufacture of arms at the national armories, two hundred and M¤¤¤f¤¤*¤¤¥¤ ¤f nfty thousand dollars. arms' For the Allegheny arsenal, nve thousand dollars. AMHMS- For the Benicia arsenal, nity thousand dollars. For Fort Monroe arsenal, fourteen thousand dollars. For New York arsenal, three thousand dollars. For North Carolina arsenal, two thousand two hundred and thirty-nve dollars. For Texas arsenal, twenty-one thousand dollars. For Washington arsenal, two thousand nve hundred dollars. For Watertown arsenal, one thousand dollars. For Watert·liet arsenal, twenty-five thousand dollars; a part of which sum may be applied to the purchase of a piece of ground adjoining the arsenal on the south side, east of the Erie Cana]. For contingencies of arsenals, twenty thousand dollars. For surveys for military defences, geographical explorations, and recon- Military snrnaissances, for military purposes, and surveys with armies in the neld, V*=¥¤»&¤- nity thousand dollars. For purchase and repairs of instruments, ten thousand dollars. For printing charts of lake surveys, ten thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the northern and northwestern lakes, including Lake Superior, seventy-nve thousand dollars. For defraying the expenses of the recovery and the restoration to their Survivors or homes of the children surviving the massacre by Indians of the emigrant g‘,f;“°“ by I"' trains from Arkansas, in the fall of eighteen hundred and nity-seven, ten ` thousand dollars. For the payment to the State of Minnesota for expenses incurred by raymentw Captain James Starkey’s company of Minnesota volimteers, called out by Mmmm the governor of the Territory of Minnesota in eighteen [hundred] andnfty- seven to protect the settlers of the valley of Sunrise River against the Chippewa Indians, two thousand six hundred and thirty-nine dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For the removal of the Court Orielle band of the Chippewa Indians, on Removal of the Red Cedar and Menomonee rivers, in Wisconsin, and providing a per- Gh*PP°“’”· manent home for them among the Chippewas of Lake Superior or the Upper Mississippi, ten thousand dollars. For repairs and improvements and new machinery at Springfield Armories, ¤.l‘m0ry, Massachusetts, nity-three thousand nine hundred and ten dollars. SP"l“g`¤°1d· For repairs and improvements and new machinery at Ha1‘p€1"S Ferry H9-¤'P°i"$ Fm'?- armory, nfty-nve thousand dollars. von. xr. Pon.-55