Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/454

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434 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 83. 1859. Bcckscftactics. For printing a revised edition of the system of instruction for field &°' artillery, horse and foot, to be stereotyped, with- engraved plates, new ready for the press, and for cp3·ocuring for distrilplution tp éhplamilitia of the United States books o tacti instruction, ten thousand o rs. inhglggcfgmm For the oonsprutptipn of 3 énditary road from Fort Benton to Walla. ' Walla one hun re thousand dollars. Sud. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of War be, P=W¤¤¤¤tt<> and he is hereby, authorized to repay to the State of Texas, out of any T°x”' money in the treasury not otherwise approppiated, molneyi advanced by that tate for the a ent of six companies o mounte vo unteers called into service by Gldnjgml Persifor F. Smith on the iirst of November, Prcvisc- eighteen hundred and fifty-four, for three months: Provided, That there shall be no greater pay or allowances to these companies than was given to similar troops in the service of the United States. Sec. 3. And be itfdrther enacted, That for the purpose of executing a

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tional evidence in support of the claims of Massachusetts and other States of the United States for disbursement services, and so forth, during the late war," the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he IS hereby, authorized Payvmgnt to and directed to pay to Massachusetts, out of any moneys in the treasury Massachusetts- not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred and seventy-six dollars and forty-eight cents, reorted under said resolution to be due to said State by J. R. Poinsett, late Secretary of War, in a report dated the twenty-third of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, made to the House of Representatives the PY<>ViS<>· twenty-seventh of December, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven: Provided, That, in lieu of payment in money, the Secretary of the Treasury, may, at his discretion, issue to said State, United States stock bearing an interest of live per centum per annum, and redeemable at the end of ten years, or sooner, at the pleasure of the President. 18s1,ch.25,§2. Sno; 4. And be it further enacted, That the second section of the act V°l· ix- P- 595 of third March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitled "An act to found a military asylum for the relief and support of invalid and disabled soldiers of the army of the United States." be so amended as to reduce the number C0!¤§¥¤i¤¤i<>¤c1‘S of commissioners authorized by that section to three, and to consist of the gnfmtary as}" commissary-generalfofhsubsiitepcs, the surgeorfr-general, and the adjutant- Two aquorum. eneral, an two o w om s a e a quorum ort e transaction of busi- Duties_ Sess,) wlfoseyduty it shall be to examine and audit the accounts of the treasurer quarter-yearly, and to visit and inspect the military asylum at least once in ever month. Ifgwlid, &¤- Sec. 5. And bg itfurtber enacted, That the benefits of the said act be, gg¥g°;;3 sxgxssgf and they are hereby, extended so as to include the invalid and disabled querit wars to soldiers, whether regulars or volunteers, of the war of eighteen hundred }7;mal;°”;2*i§£I and twelve, and of all subsequent wars; and that so much of the act of the Y ythird March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, as is inconsistent herewith R°P°*‘1m8°la“S¤· be, and the same is hereby, repealed. l Pmsionm to Sec. 6. And ttfurther enacted, That. all pensioners on account of surrender pam wounds or d1sa.b1l1ty·1ncurred in. the military service shall transfer and sion while in the surrender their pensions to the mstitution for and during the time they °“Y1“m· may remain therein and voluntarily continue to receive its benefits. 12% ccntc only Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the deductions of twenty-five §:gu";&’:;l,Zr;‘;nb° cents per month, from the pay of the non-commissioned officers, musicians, pay, &c. artificers, and privates in the army shall be reduced, from and after the Name charmed thirtieth of June next, to twelve and a. half cents per month, and that the ,-,0,,, it Mming title of the act be, and the same is hereby, changed from the “M1l1tary

·}§yh1gn",to Asylum " to that of “Soldiers' Home ;"And provided, further, That all

Hogg}?" persons now in, or that may hereafter be admitted into, the institution, rnmam mgdg shall be, and are hereby, made subject to the rules and articles of war,