Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/89

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 128. 1856. 69 the Chickasaws, in coming to, returning from, and while remaining in Washington city, per twenty-second article of the treaty of twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, seventeen hundred and si.xty-six dollars. Olrippewas, Menmnonies, Winnebagoes, and Nm York Indians.-—For MCNPPBWMW education, during the pleasure of Congress, per fifth article treaty eleventh €m?:°£:’304_ August, eighteen hundred and twenty-seven, one thousand five hundred dollars. Oh0ctaws.—For permanent annuity, per second article treaty sixteenth Ghoctaws. November, eighteen hundred and tive, three thousand dollars. V°l·""· P- °°· For permanent annuity for support of light-horsemen, per thirteenth Vol. vii. p. 218. article treaty eighteenth October; eighteen hundred and twenty, six hundred dollars. For permanent provision for education, per second article treaty twen- VOL VH- P- 285- tieth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, six thousand dollars. For permanent provision for blacksmith, per sixth article treaty eigh- V°l-VH-P-21*- teenth October, eighteen hundred and twenty, six hundred dollars. For permanent provision for iron and steel, per ninth article treaty V0]- 'll·P·2$6- twentieth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, three hundred and twenty dollars. For reappropriation of unexpendcd balance, per act of fourth June, Vg3§;,_°l*· gg; eighteen hundred and thirly—two, on account of cattle delivered up to the` p` ' agents of the government, carried to surplus fund per warrant number twelve, dated thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, per six- V I _, 386 teenth article treaty twenty-seventh September, eighteen hundred and 0V"' p' ' thirty, one thousand and seven dollars and fifty cents. For payment to the Choctaws for their relinquishment and lease of lands, in conformity with the provisions contained in the tenth and thir- P°“· PP' 613* lm' teenth articles of the treaty of twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve, one hundred thousand dollars. For interest on five hundred thousand dollars, at Eve per centum, for education and other beneficial purposes, to be applied under the direction of the general council of the Choctaws, in conformity with the provisions contained in the tenth and thirteenth articles of the treaty of twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, twenty-five thousand dollars. For interest, from the twenty-second of June, eighteen hundred and nfty-five, to the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, on five hundred thousand dollars, at Eve per centum, for education and other beneficial purposes, to be applied under the direction of the general council of the Choctaws, in conformity with the provisions contained in the tenth and thirteenth articles of the treaty of twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, twenty-five thousand six hundred and sixteen dollars and forty-three cents. For expenses of commissioners who signed the treaty on the part of the Choctaws, in coming to, returning from, and while remaining in Washington city, per twenty-second article of the treaty of twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thousand nine hundred and sixty- one dollars and fifty cents. O/mIst·ian Ind·ians.—For permanent annuity in money, per acts _ Christian In twenty-sixth May, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, and twentieth May, dl?;; h 174 eighteen hundred and twenty-six, four hundred dollars. 1826; gh; mg: Orca/cs.-For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article treaty Creeks, seventh August, seventeen hundred and ninety, one thousand five hundred Vol. vii. p. 36. dollars. For- permanent annuity in money, per second article treaty sixteenth Vol. vii. p. cs. June, eighteen hundred and two, three thousand dollars. For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article treaty twenty- Vol. vii. p. 287. fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, twenty thousand dollars.