Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/90

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70 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 128. 1856. For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and for shop and tools, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, eight hundred and forty dollars. For permanent provision fol‘ iron and steel fol‘ shop, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth i]anuary, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, two hundred and sevent dollars. VOL vgi_ p_ 368_ For the last ol twenty lIlSlZ8llD8!1iiS {01: two bl&ClKSH1ll»lIS Bild assistants, and shops and tools, per thirteenth article treaty twenty-fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, one thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. For the last of twenty instalments for iron and steel for shops, per thirteenth article treaty twenty-fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, five hundred and forty dollars. V01- vit p· 287· For permanent provision for the pay of a. wheelwnght, per eighth aniole treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, six hundred dollars. Vol. vii. [:.368. For twenty-sixth of thirty-three instalments for education, per thirteenth article treaty twenty-fourth March, eighteen hundred and thirty- Vol. ix. p. 822. two, and fourth article treaty fourth January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, three thousand dollars. For thirteenth of twenty instalments for education, per fourth article treaty fourth January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, three thousand dollars. Vol. vii. p. 419- For blacksmith and assistant and shop and tools, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article treaty fourteenth February eighteen hundred and thirty-three, eight hundred and forty dollars. For iron and steel for shop, during the pleasure of the President, per Iifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty- three, two hundred and seventy d0Ilars._ For wagon maker, during the pleasure of the President, per fifth Ertiale treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, six un red ollars. Vo1. vii. p. 281. For assistance in agricultural operations, during the pleasure of the President, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, two thousand dollars. V¤i·vii· p- 419- For education during the pleasure of the President, per fifth article tre2gy&f§urteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousan dollars. De1€¤w¤r¤¤· Dclawares.—-For life annuity to chief; per private article to supple- V°l· vii P- 827- mental treaty twenty-fourth September, eighteen hundred and twenty- V0LvH p 188 nine, to treaty of third October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, one hundred dollars. V01. vii. p. 899. For life annuity to cl1ief§ per supplemental article to treaty twenty-sixth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, one hundred dollars. Vol. vii. p. $27. For interest on forty-six thousand and eighty dollars at five per centum, being the value of thirty-six sections of land set apart by treaty of eighteen hundred and twenty-nine for education, per resolution of Senate nineteenth January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, two thousand three hundred and four dollars. Vo1.x.p. 1049. For third of eight equal instalments for payment of five ehieik, per sixth Erticge tgeatiy si§t2£M:?, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousau wo un re an ty ollars.

F1g;idg £-   Florida Indians, or Seminoks.—For thirteenth of fifteen instalments

mlcsj 'm goods, per sixth article treaty fourth January, eighteen hundred and Vol. ix. p. azz. fo1‘ty·Iive, two thousand dollars. For thirteenth of fifteen instalments in money, per sixth article treaty v u i é fqurth January, eighteen hundred and forty-five, and fourth article treaty ‘ ‘ · · ninth May, etghteen hundred and thirty-two, three thousand d0llm‘S· Iowa. Iowas.-—-F or mterest in lieu of investment on fifty-seven thousand