Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/896

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352 INDEX. nun rmx Neutrality. Nmragua, proclamation of April 22, 1793, as to, m respecting npprebendcd mvasmns 0 . Apwur against France. Appendix, Proc- gendnx, Prcclamzmons, Nos. 40, 52, 7 89, 798 lamation, No. . . ... 753 Mies, anna: E, proclamaiions of i arc 24, l794, a.n 0 paymcu 0 . ... . . September 1, ISI5, as to Spamsh 00- Nzngpo, , minions. Appendix, Proclamutions, szigry oiécoxwxl ugh .. 58 Nos. 4, X7 . . ... . . . . 753, 65 zsqu ys. ec esqu ya. proclammioins of Januing 5, 1838, and gfpropriations for the, . 72, 177, 279, 329 November 21, 1838, an September 25, Norf k, 1841, as to, in respect to Canada. Ap- custom-house at, appr0prumon for.: . 5.. . 85 pcndix, Prcclamations, Nos. 32, 33, 35, prosccds of sale of old to be paid mw 784 785 786 t c treasury,. . . . . . . . proclamation of April 25, 1851, cinjoinj .M>rth C'amlina, ing, as to, in respect to Cuba. Ap- post.-r0ai1s m, ... . i3?, 232, 355, 356 pendix, Proclamation, No. 37, . 787 npproprmtnop for ceacon hgh: m, ... 423 proclamation of December 8, KS55, cn- Dkrtheast Erecmrwe Buzldzng, joining as to, in respect to Nicaragua. appropriations for purposes of, .. 106, 209, Appendix, Proc1a.mgmiop, No. 40, . 789 268. 299, 413 appropriation for mummunng acts re- Mart}; Pmk Explvring Expedziwn, specting, . . . 89 approprisuons {sr preparauon and preser- Neutrals, vation of res ts 0 . declaration as to rights of', at sca. Soc North Igizci/ic Ocegn, , Pau. u ication o exp ovation 0 .. provisions icspccting in treaty with the Nmgwm Executive Building, , Two Sicilies. Sec Two Smilies. appropriations for purposes of}. L... lll, 214, Mwell, Thomas M., sos, 417

 settlement of accounts cf,  . ...,. 513 Notanhs,          

cwjbundland secretaries 0 egaticus au consu ar 0 - to have, benefit of reciprocity treaty. ficers mnyact as, 61 Appendix, Proclamation, Nc. 41, 790 Noll, Judiih, New Hximpsgrez ggngqzu zo, during widowhood, . 546 pcs ·l'08 s m, . . ... , ug 0 n, appropriation for fog-bell in, ... 423 pcinsiou ot} . . . 450 Neuzinglon, Mrs. Caroline, 1V1d!;/rfcation,

 aghcrizedjo cum certain land,  453 respecting, in South garognua. Appen-  

ew exicc, (' erritory), dix, Proclamation 0. 6 .. 7 salary of governor ofQ .. 15, 185 Nurses, gcc., , l superintendent of Indian affairs in, . 185 pay of, in the army, ... 242 appropriations for general government Nyc, J WY, ot} ... 14, 114, 216, 306, 419 payment to, ... . . . 525 for Indian service iu,.. 79, 184, 330 for land surveys in,. . . 87, 223 O` for volunteers of} in 1855,. 208, Oaths, 204 consular cficers may administer 61 for militia of, in 1854, 205 used in land-officcs, punisbmcnc for perfor roads and bridges iu,. . 336 jurv iu, .. . . 250 inycstigutiou as to Indian deprcdations of enlistment to recruits, any commission- Jgg; .~... ed giicor gray administer, when, &c.. .. 336 s y 1 xns, nm earge ., marking boundaries of Indian Pucblos,. . 184 pafment tc, for services as clerk, ... 535

 “District of New Mexico," estab- --—, Kennedy,

' cd, . 292 cnsion to, ... . . . . 565 President to establish the offica, and Obscgae Books, Prints, Qc., to appoint register and nccciv- importation of, prohibited, .. ... . 168

Cf, ..   . .   .. . . 232 packages cogmining, tabe forfeited, and  

w eu actta. csc ect, .. . ... 2 2 aniclcsw cdcszro e , .. 168 16 pay of register and receiver in, . 325 Observatovy. Sac Naval ’

 pgs;-roads iu, .. . . 239, 856 Ocean Steamers,    

ew r cans 0. ro rimicus cr, or 1856-57, 101, 102 appropriation for custom-house at, .. 84 aggrogriaoicus for, for IS57-58,. . . . . 248, 249 for branch mmt as, . ... 242 appropriation bill for, for 1858-59, . 364, 365 Mw World, The, extra compensation of Collins line to bc

 pigxzcuh for detention of,  . ...,. 467 discontinued,  . .. .  102

ew W ostmastcr- encral to make no contract appropriation for beacon iight., &c., . 423 P for sca miil service for more than two

 pizfzicacs m, ... . 132, 138, 230, 355, 356 years, ,..,.. . ..,... . ...   . 364

ew· cr C`{ly, my for other pay than sca and inland appropriation for postroffice in, . 94 posmges on mails transpormedh 364 New Hark Irgdiqns, may cause mails m be carried bcgpgrepnatxons for tho,. 69, 172, 276, 392 mean Uuiwd States and foreign ng ts oi under treaty,. . c . . . . , 481 ports, . . .. . . 365