Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/897

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INDEX. 853 na: rmx Ocean Steamers, (continued.) Oregon (Territory,) (continued.) if by American vessel, for sea and examination imo expenses of suppressing United States inland postage, . 865 Indian hostilities in, . 92 if by foreign vessel, for sea postage salary of superintendent of Indian adbirs only, .. . . ... 365 in, 185 preference to be given to American pay of commissioners on military exstea.m—ships, .. . .. . . . 365 penses in, . . . . . 205 Odessa, land laws in, extended to lands east of salary of consul at, .. . . 53 Cascade Mountains, . . ... 293 O’Fallon, James, commissioner to be appointed to audit: proclamation of March 19, 1791, as to and state claims for ndian service in,... 363 warlike pre nations of, in Kentuclgy. pay and duty oi] . ... . .. 363 Appendix, Iproclamation, No. 2, .. 752 post-roads in, 134, 239, 358 Ofmw. See Grimes. Oregon, Ojénders, act admitting Oregon into the Union,. 383 pardoning certain, off Louisiana. Appear constitution, republican, in form,. . .. 383 dix, Proclamation, No. 15, ... 763 boundaries,. . . .. . . . . 388 Officers of the Army, concurrent jurisdiction on rivers and increase of pay of, ... . 163 waters forming common boundaappropriation to pay those sent to Europe ry,. ... 383 in 1855, ... . .. 203 navigable rivers to be common highmileage not to be allowed to those trans- ways, .. . ... 383 ferred or relieved at their own request, 432 entitled to one representative in Con- See Army. gross, . .. . .. , 383 Ofms of the Navy, propositions to be submitted to poplaw relating to certain, dropped or re- u ar vote,. .. .. . .. .. 383 tired,. .. ... . ... 154, 407, 430 school lands, . 383 pay of dropped officers since restored, . . 154, state university lands, .. .. .. 388 407, 430 lands for public buildings,. .. .. .. 384 See Nazay, salt springs and contiguous lands,.. . 384

, percentage on land sales, .. 384

public buildings at, 93 conditions on which propositions are Ohio, offered, 384 appropriations for lighthouses in,. . . 424, 425 United States property to be free post-roads in, 134, 233, 234, 357, 858 from taxation, . . 384 Olinger, Israel, lands heretofore confirmed to the administrator of Francis Lufontaine, pay- Territory of Oregon, to be deductment to ... 177 ed from these grants, 384 Olive Branch, hre, residue of Territory of Oregon, to payment of fishing bounty oi, .. 454 become part of Territory of Wash- Oliver, William L., ington, . , . ... 384 pension oil ... 78 act to extend the laws, &c., of the United Omahas, States over, . ... 437 appropriations for the,. 72, 177, 280, 330, 395 Oregon made e judicial district, .. . . . 437 salary of ufgent of, 185 district court established with like payment o expenses of visit of, 323 power as that in the district of Omoa, Iowa, .. 437 salary of consul et, .. ._ ... . . 54 terms of court, times and places, 437 Opium, residence and salary of judge, free of duty, see Siam. attorney and marshal,. . . . 437 Oporto, in appeals, &c., pending in fedselary of consul at, .. . . 53 eral Supreme Court, mandate Order, general, to issue to district court, or of Secretary of Navy, as to rank of en· Supreme Court of the State,. 437 gincer officers, confirmed, 407 these courts made successors to Ordnance, (Army,) Supreme Court of Oregon appropriations for,. . . . 149, 202, 334, 433 Territory,. . . ., 437 appropriations for tests of gun metal for, 203 Orca, appropriation for experiments in arms,. .. 433 appropriation for experiments on, .. 227 office of colonel of, appropriations for,. . 111, Orndorj, Henry, 213, acs, 416, 417 account to be revised and paid, . 554 Ordnance, (Navy,) Osage Land Districl, appropriations for, .. . .. 45, 244, 315, 405 in Kansas, constituted, and offices in, 187 Ordnance hip Plymouth, Osages, appropriation for, . . . . 244 appropriations for the, . 72, 80, 177, 280, Oregon, (Territory,) 895 appropriations for government oi}. . 114, 216, Oswego, 305 public buildings at, . ... 84 Indian service in,.. 79, 183, 329, 362, 400 Otis, John, land surveys in, . . .. .. . 223 payment to, .. . . .. 479 for roads in, ,... . . . . . 168, 358 Ottowas, for preventing Indian outbreaks in,.. 79, appropriation for the, . .. 73, 280 183 Sec Ottawa:.