Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/625

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PUBLIC LAW 104-163—JULY 19, 1996 110 STAT. 1417 of the United States in and to the Islands. Unbudgeted actual costs incurred by the Secretary for such transfer shall be borne by the District. The District may seek reimbursement from any third party for such costs. (b) GRANT OF EASEMENTS.— (1) The Secretary shall, not later than six months after the date of enactment of this Act, grant, without consideration, to the District, permanent easements across the waterways and bed of the Anacostia River as described in the Survey as Leased Riverbed Areas A, B, C, and D, and across the shoreline of the Anacostia River as depicted on the plat map recorded in the Office of the Surveyor of the District as S.O. 92- 252. (2) Easements granted under paragraph (1) shall run with the land and shall be for the purposes of— (A) constructing, reconstructing, maintaining, operating, and otherwise using only such bridges, roads, and other improvements as are necessary or desirable for vehicular and pedestrian egress and ingress to and from the Islands and which satisfy the District Building Code and applicable safety requirements; (B) installing, reinstalling, maintaining, and operating utility transmission corridors, including (but not limited to) all necessary electricity, water, sewer, gas, necessary or desirable for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and operation of the Islands and any and all improvements located thereon from time to time; and (C) constructing, reconstructing, maintaining, operating, and otherwise providing necessary informational kiosk, ticketing booth, and security for the Islands. (3) Easements granted under paragraph (1) shall be assignable by the District to any lessee, sublessee, or operator, or any combination thereof, of the Islands. (c) DEVELOPMENT. — The development of National Children's Island shall proceed as specified in paragraph 3 of the legend on the plat or as otherwise authorized by the District by agreement, lease, resolution, appropriate executive action, or otherwise. (d) REVERSION.—(1) The transfer under subsection (a) and the grant of easements under subsection (b) shall be subject to the condition that the Islands only be used for the purposes of National Children's Island. Title in the property transferred under subsection (a) and the easements granted under subsection (b), shall revert to the United States 60 days after the date on which the Secretary provides written notice of the reversion to the District based on the Secretary's determination, which shall be made in accordance with chapter 5 of title 5, United States Code (relating to administrative procedures), that one of the following has occurred: (A) Failure to commence improvements in the recreational park within the earlier of— (i) three years after building permits are obtained for construction of such improvements; or (ii) four years after title has been transferred, as provided in subsection (a). (B) Failure to commence operation of the recreation park within the earlier of— (i) five years after building permits are obtained for construction of such improvements; or