Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/856

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110 STAT. 1648 PUBLIC LAW 104-182—AUG. 6, 1996 in need of improving technical, managerial, and financial capacity; "(B) a description of the institutional, regulatory, financial, tax, or legal factors at the Federal, State, or local level that encourage or impair capacity development; "(C) a description of how the State will use the authorities and resources of this title or other means to— "(i) assist public water systems in complying with national primary drinking water regulations; "(ii) encourage the development of partnerships between public water systems to enhance the technical, managerial, and financial capacity of the systems; and "(iii) assist public water systems in the training and certification of operators; "(D) a description of how the State will establish a baseline and measure improvements in capacity with respect to national primary drinking water regulations and State drinking water law; and "(E) an identification of the persons that have an interest in and are involved in the development and implementation of the capacity development strategy (including all appropriate agencies of Federed, State, and local governments, private and nonprofit public water systems, and public water system customers). "(3) REPORT. —Not later than 2 years afler the date on which a State first adopts a capacity development strategy under this subsection, and every 3 years thereafter, the head of the State agency that has primary responsibility to carry out this title in the State shall submit to the Governor a report that shall also be available to the public on the efficacy of the strategy and progress made toward improving the technical, managerial, and financial capacity of public water systems in the State. "(4) REVIEW. —The decisions of the State under this section regarding any particular public water system are not subject to review by the Administrator gmd may not serve as the basis for withholding funds under section 1452. "(d) FEDERAL ASSISTANCE. — "(1) IN GENERAL.— The Administrator shall support the States in developing capacity development strategies. "(2) INFORMATIONAL ASSISTANCE.— "(A) IN GENERAL. — Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator shall— Review. "(i) conduct a review of State capacity development Publication. efforts in existence on the date of enactment of this section and publish information to assist States and public water systems in capacity development efforts; and "(ii) initiate a partnership with States, public water systems, and the public to develop information for States on recommended operator certification requirements. "(B) PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION. —The Administrator shall publish the information developed through the partnership under subparagraph (A)(ii) not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this section.