Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/857

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PUBLIC LAW 104-182—AUG. 6, 1996 110 STAT. 1649 " (3) PROMULGATION OF DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS. — In promulgating a national primary drinking water regulation, the Administrator shall include an analysis of the likely effect of compliance with the regulation on the technical, financial, and managerial capacity of public water systems. "(4) GUIDANCE FOR NEW SYSTEMS.— Not later than 2 years Publication, after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator shall publish guidance developed in consultation with the States describing leggJ authorities and other means to ensure that all new community water systems and new nontransient, noncommunity water systems demonstrate technical, managerial, and financial capacity with respect to national primary drinking water regulations. "(e) VARIANCES AND EXEMPTIONS.— Based on information obtained under subsection (c)(3), the Administrator shall, as appropriate, modify regulations concerning variances and exemptions for small public water systems to ensure flexibility in the use of the variances and exemptions. Nothing in this subsection shall be interpreted, construed, or applied to affect or alter the requirements of section 1415 or 1416. " (f) SMALL PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANCE CENTERS.— "(1) GRANT PROGRAM.— The Administrator is authorized to make grants to institutions of higher learning to establish and operate small public water system technology assistance centers in the United States. " (2) RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CENTERS. — The responsibilities of the small public water system technology assistance centers established under this subsection shall include the conduct of training and technical assistance relating to the information, performance, and technical needs of small public water systems or public water systems that serve Indian Tribes. "(3) APPLICATIONS.— Any institution of higher learning interested in receiving a grant under this subsection shall submit to the Administrator an application in such form and containing such information as the Administrator may require by regulation. "(4) SELECTION CRITERIA. — The Administrator shall select recipients of grants under this subsection on the basis of the following criteria: "(A) The small public water system technology assistance center shall be located in a State that is representative of the needs of the region in which the State is located for addressing the drinking water needs of small and rural communities or Indian Tribes. "(B) The grant recipient shall be located in a region that has experienced problems, or may reasonably be foreseen to experience problems, with small and rural public water systems. "(C) The grant recipient shall have access to expertise in small public water system technology management. "(D) The grant recipient shall have the capability to disseminate the results of small public water system technology and training programs. "(E) The projects that the grant recipient proposes to carry out under the grant are necessary and appropriate.