Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/505

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PUBLIC LAW 104-297—OCT. 11, 1996 110 STAT. 3579 (K) such other matters as the National Academy of Sciences deems appropriate. (2) The report shall include a detailed analysis of individual fishing quota programs already implemented in the United States, including the impacts: of any limits on transferability, on past and present participants, on fishing communities, on the rate and total amount of bycatch (including economic and regulatory discards) in the fishery, on the safety of life and vessels in the fishery, on £my excess harvesting or processing capacity in the fishery, on any gear conflicts in the fishery, on product qusdity from the fishery, on the effectiveness of enforcement in the fishery, on the size and composition of fishing vessel fleets, on the economic value created by individual fishing quotas for initial recipients and non-recipients, on conservation of the fishery resource, on fishermen who rely on participation in several fisheries, on the success in meeting any fishery management plan goals, and the fairness and effectiveness of the methods used for allocating quotas and controlling transferability. The report shall also include any information about individual fishing quota programs in other countries that may be useful. (3) The report shall identify and analyze alternative conservation and management measures, including other limited access systems such as individual trginsferable effort systems, that could accomplish the same objectives as individual fishing quota programs, as well as characteristics that are unique to individual fishing quota programs. (4) The Secretary of Commerce shall, in consultation with Establishment, the National Academy of Sciences, the Councils, the fishing industry, affected States, conservation organizations and other interested persons, establish two individual fishing quota review groups to assist in the preparation of the report, which shall represent: (A) Alaska, Hawaii, and the other Pacific coastal States; and (B) Atlantic coastal States and the Gulf of Mexico coastal States. The Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, achieve a balanced representation of viewpoints among the individuals on each review group. The review groups shall be deemed to be advisory panels under section 302(g) of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended by this Act. (5) The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the National Academy of Sciences and the Councils, shall conduct public hearings in each Council region to obtain comments on individual fishing quotas for use by the National Academy of Sciences in preparing the report required by this subsection. The National Academy of Sciences shall submit a draft report Reports. to the Secretary of Commerce by January 1, 1998. The Sec- Federal Register, retary of Commerce shall publish in the Federal Register a publication, notice and opportunity for public comment on the draft of the report, or any revision thereof. A detailed summary of comments received and views presented at the hearings, including any dissenting views, shall be included by the National Academy of Sciences in the final report. (6) Section 210 of Public Law 104-134 is hereby repealed. 16 USC 1851 (g) NORTH PACIFIC LOAN PROGRAM. —(1) By not later than note- October 1, 1997 the North Pacific Fishery Management Council shall recommend to the Secretary of Commerce a program which