Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/506

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110 STAT. 3580 PUBLIC LAW 104-297—OCT. 11, 1996 uses the full amount of fees authorized to be used under section 303(d)(4) of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act, as amended by this Act, in the halibut and sablefish fisheries off Alaska to guarantee obligations in accordsince with such section. (2)(A) For the purposes of this subsection, the phrase "fishermen who fish from small vessels" in section 303(d)(4)(A)(i) of such Act shall mean fishermen wishing to purchase individual fishing quotas for use from Category B, Category C, or Category D vessels, as defined in part 676.20(c) of title 50, Code of Federal Regulations (as revised as of October 1, 1995), whose aggregate ownership of individual fishing quotas will not exceed the equivalent of a total of 50,000 poiuids of halibut and sablefish harvested in the fishing year in which a guarantee application is made if the guarantee is approved, who will participate aboard the fishing vessel in the harvest of fish caught under such quotas, who have at least 150 days of experience working as part of the hsirvesting crew in any United States commercial fishery, and who do not own in whole or in part any Category A or Category B vessel, as defined in such part and title of the Code of Federal Regulations. (B) For the purposes of this subsection, the phrase "entry level fishermen" in section 303(d)(4)(A)(ii) of such Act shall mean fishermen who do not own any individual fishing quotas, who vidsh to obtain the equivalent of not more tiian a total of 8,000 pounds of halibut and sablefish harvested in the fishing year in which a guarantee application is made, and who will participate aboard the fishing vessel in the harvest of fish caught under such quotas. Reports. (h) COMMUNITY DEVELOPME^^^ QuoTA REPORT. —Not later than 16 USC 1855 October 1, 1998, the National Academy of Sciences, in consultation ^^' with the Secretary, the North Pacific and Western Pacific Councils, communities and organizations participating in the program, participants in affected fisheries, and the affected States, shall submit to the Secretary of Commerce and Congress a comprehensive report on the performance and effectiveness of the community development quota programs under the authority of the North Pacific and Western Pacific Coxmcils. The report shall— (1) evaluate the extent to which such programs have met the objective of providing communities with the means to develop ongoing commerci^ fishing activities; (2) evaluate the manner and extent to which such programs have resulted in the communities and residents— (A) receiving employment opportunities in commercial fishing and processing; and (B) obtaining the capital necesseiry to invest in commercial fishing, fish processing, and commercial fishing support projects (including infrastructure to support commercial fishing); (3) evaluate the social and economic conditions in the participating communities and the extent to which alternative private sector employment opportunities exist; (4) evaluate the economic impacts on participants in the affected fisheries, taking into account the condition of the fishery resource, the market, and other relevant factors; (5) recommend a proposed schedule for accomplishing the developmental purposes of community development quotas; and (6) address such other matters as the National Academy of Sciences deems appropriate.