Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/40

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Ill STAT. 16 PUBLIC LAW 105-9 —APR. 14, 1997 Public Law 105-9 105th Congress Apr. 14, 1997 [H.R. 412] Oroville- Tonasket Claim Settlement and Conveyance Act. Washington. An Act To approve a settlement agreement between the Bureau of Reclamation and the Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the "Oroville-Tonasket Claim Settlement and Conveyance Act". SEC. 2. PURPOSES. The purposes of this Act are to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to implement the provisions of the negotiated Settlement Agreement including conveyance of the Project Irrigation Works, identified as not having national importance, to the District, and for other purposes. SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Act: (1) The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Interior. (2) The term "Reclamation" means the United States Bureau of Reclamation. (3) The term "District" or "Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District" means the project beneficiary organized and operating under the laws of the State of Washington, which is the operating and repa3anent entity for the Project. (4) The term "Project" means the Oroville-Tonasket unit extension, Okanogan-Similkameen division. Chief Joseph Dam Project, Washington, constructed and rehabilitated by the United States under the Act of September 28, 1976 (Public Law 94-423, 90 Stat. 1324), previously authorized and constructed under the Act of October 9, 1962 (Public Law 87-762, 76 Stat. 761), under the Federal reclamation laws (including the Act of June 17, 1902 (ch. 1093, 32 Stat. 388), and Acts supplementary thereto or amendatory thereof). (5) The term "Project Irrigation Works" means— (A) those works actually in existence and described in subarticle 3(a) of the Repayment Contract, excluding Wildlife Mitigation Facilities, and depicted on the maps held by the District and Reclamation, consisting of the realty with improvements and real estate interests; (B) all equipment, parts, inventories, and tools associated with the Project Irrigation Works realty and