Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/41

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PUBLIC LAW 105-9 —APR. 14, 1997 111 STAT. 17 improvements and currently in the District's possession; and (C) all third party agreements. (6)(A) The term "Basic Contract" means Repayment Contract No. 14-06-100-4442, dated December 26, 1964, as amended and supplemented, between the United States and the District; (B) the term "Repayment Contract" means Repayment Contract No. 00 -7 -10-W0242, dated November 28, 1979, as amended and supplemented, between the United States and the District; and (C) the term "third party agreements" means existing contractual duties, obligations, and responsibilities that exist because of all leases, licenses, and easements with third-parties related to the Project Irrigation Works, or the lands or rightsof-way for the Project Irrigation Works, but excepting power arrangements with the Bonneville Power Administration. (7) The term "Wildlife Mitigation Facilities" means— (A) land, improvements, or easements, or any combination thereof, secured for access to such lands, acquired by the United States under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661-667e); and (B) all third party agreements associated with the land, improvements, or easements referred to in subparagraph (A). (8) The term "Indian Trust Lands" means approximately 61 acres of lands identified on land classification maps on file with the District and Reclamation beneficially owned by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation (Colville Tribes) or by individual Indians, and held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the Colville Tribes in accordance with the Executive Order of April 9, 1872. (9) The term "Settlement Agreement" means the Agreement made and entered on April 15, 1996, between the United States of America acting through the Regional Director, Pacific Northwest Region, Bureau of Reclamation, and the Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District. (10) The term "operations and maintenance" means normal and reasonable care, control, operation, repair, replacement, and maintenance. SEC. 4. AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATION. The Settlement Agreement is approved and the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to conduct all necessary and appropriate investigations, studies, and required Federal actions to implement the Settlement Agreement. SEC. 5. CONSIDERATION AND SATISFACTION OF OUTSTANDING OBLIGATIONS. (a) CONSIDERATION TO UNITED STATES. —Consideration by the District to the United States in accordance with the Settlement Agreement approved by this Act shall be— (1) payment of $350,000 by the District to the United States; (2) assumption by the District of full liability and responsibility and release of the United States of all further responsibility, obligations, and liability for removing irrigation facilities constructed and rehabilitated by the United States