Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/344

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112 STAT. 3102 PUBLIC LAW 105-332—OCT. 31, 1998 "PART B—STATE PROVISIONS 20 USC 2341. "SEC. 121. STATE ADMINISTRATION. "(a) ELIGIBLE AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— The responsibilities of an eligible agency under this title shall include— "(A) coordination of the development, submission, and implementation of the State plan, and the evaluation of the program, services, and activities assisted under this title, including preparation for nontraditional training and employment; "(B) consultation with the Governor and appropriate agencies, groups, and individuals including parents, students, teachers, representatives of businesses, labor organizations, eligible recipients. State and local officials, and local program administrators, involved in the planning, administration, evaluation, and coordination of programs funded under this title; "(C) convening and meeting as an eligible agency (consistent with State law and procedure for the conduct of such meetings) at such time as the eligible agency determines necessary to carry out the eligible agency's responsibilities under this title, but not less than four times annually; and "(D) the adoption of such procedures as the eligible agency considers necessary to— "(i) implement State level coordination with the activities undertaken by the State boards under section 111 of Public Law 105-220; and "(ii) make available to the service delivery system under section 121 of Public Law 105-220 within the State a listing of all school dropout, postsecondary, and adult programs assisted under this title. "(2) EXCEPTION.— Except with respect to the responsibilities set forth in paragraph (1), the eligible agency may delegate any of the other responsibilities of the eligible agency that involve the administration, operation, supervision of activities assisted under this title, in whole or in part, to one or more appropriate State agencies. 20 USC 2342. "SEC. 122. STATE PLAN. "(a) STATE PLAN. — " (1) IN GENERAL.— Each eligible agency desiring assistance under this title for any fiscal year shall prepare and submit to the Secretary a State plan for a 5-year period, together with such annual revisions as the eligible agency determines to be necessary. "(2) REVISIONS. — Each eligible agency— "(A) may submit such annual revisions of the State plan to the Secretary as the eligible agency determines to be necessary; and "(B) shall, after the second year of the 5 year State plan, conduct a review of activities assisted under this title and submit any revisions of the State plan that the eligible agency determines necessary to the Secretary. "(3) HEARING PROCESS. — The eligible agency shall conduct public hearings in the State, after appropriate and sufficient