Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/502

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112 STAT. 3260 PUBLIC LAW 105-355—NOV. 6, 1998 appointment from the Governor, a new member to serve for the remainder of the term. "(4) TERM LIMITS.—^A member may serve for not more than 6 years.". SEC. 404. POWERS OF CORRIDOR COMMISSION. (a) CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE.—Section 7(g)(3) of such Act (102 Stat. 4555) is amended in the first sentence by inserting "or nonprofit organization" after "appropriate public agency". (b) COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS.— Section 7(h) of such Act (102 Stat. 4555) is amended as follows: (1) In the first sentence, by inserting "any nonprofit organization," after "subdivision of the Commonwealth,". (2) In the second sentence, by inserting "such nonprofit organization," after "such political subdivision,". SEC. 405. DUTIES OF CORRIDOR COMMISSION. Section 8(b) of such Act (102 Stat. 4556) is amended in the matter preceding paragraph (1) by inserting ", cultural, natural, recreational, and scenic" after "interpret the historic". SEC. 406. TERMINATION OF CORRIDOR COMMISSION. ^ Section 9(a) of such Act (102 Stat. 4556) is amended by striking "on the day occurring 5 years after the date of the enactment of this Act" and inserting "on November 18, 2003". SEC. 407. DUTIES OF OTHER FEDERAL ENTITIES. Section 11 of such Act (102 Stat. 4557) is amended in the matter preceding paragraph (1) by striking "the flow of the Canal or the natural" and inserting "directly affecting the purposes of the Corridor". SEC. 408. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. (a) COMMISSION.— Section 12(a) of such Act (102 Stat. 4558) is amended by striking "$350,000" and inserting "$1,000,000". (b) MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN.— Section 12 of such Act (102 Stat. 4558) is amended by adding at the end the following: " (c) MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN. — "(1) IN GENERAL.—To implement the management action plan created by the Commission, there is authorized to be appropriated $1,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2000 through 2007. "(2) LIMITATION ON EXPENDITURES. — Amounts made available under paragraph (1) shall not exceed 50 percent of the costs of implementing the management action plan.". SEC. 409. LOCAL AUTHORITY AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. Such Act is further amended— (1) by redesignating section 13 (102 Stat. 4558) as section 14; and (2) by inserting after section 12 the following: "SEC. 13. LOCAL AUTHORITY AND PRIVATE PROPERTY. "The Commission shall not interfere with— "(1) the private property rights of any person; or "(2) any local zoning ordinance or land use plan of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or any political subdivision of Pennsylvania.".