Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 5.djvu/504

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112 STAT. 3262 PUBLIC LAW 105-355—NOV. 6, 1998 Wilderness Boundary Realignment Consideration" on the map entitled "Mount Naomi Wilderness Addition", dated September 25, 1998. SEC. 504. AUTHORIZATION TO USE LAND IN MERCED COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. (a) REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIONS.— Notwithstanding the restrictions otherwise applicable under the terms of conveyance by the United States of any of the land described in subsection (b) to Merced County, California, or under any agreement concerning any part of such land between such county and the Secretary of the Interior or any other officer or agent of the United States, the land described in subsection (b) may be used for the purpose specified in subsection (c). (b) LAND AFFECTED. — The land referred to in subsection (a) is the north 25 acres of the 40 acres located in the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 20, township 7 south, range 13 east, Mount Diablo base line and Meridian in Merced County, California, conveyed to such county by deed recorded in volume 1941 at page 441 of the official records in Merced County, California. (c) AUTHORIZED USES.— Merced County, California, may authorize the use of the land described in subsection (b) for an elementary school serving children without regard to their race, creed, color, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sex, operated by a nonsectarian organization on a nonprofit basis and in compliance with all applicable requirements of the laws of the United States and the State of California. If Merced County permits such lands to be used for such purposes, the county shall include information concerning such use in the periodic reports to the Secretary of the Interior required under the terms of the conveyance of such lands to the county by the United States. Any violation of the provisions of this subsection shall be deemed to be a breach of the conditions and covenants under which such lands were conveyed to Merced County by the United States, and shall have the same effect as provided by deed whereby the United States conveyed the lands to the county. Except as specified in this subsection, nothing in this section shall increase or diminish the authority or responsibility of the county with respect to the land. California. SEC. 505. ROSIE THE RIVETER NATIONAL PARK SERVICE AFFILIATED SITE. (a) FINDINGS. —The Congress finds the following: (1) The City of Richmond, California, is located on the northeastern shore of San Francisco Bay and consists of several miles of waterfront which have been used for shipping and industry since the beginning of the 20th century. During the years of World War II, the population of Richmond grew from 220 to over 100,000. (2) An area of Richmond, California, now known as Marina Park and Marina Green, was the location in the 1940's of the Richmond Kaiser Shipyards, which produced Liberty and Victory ships during World War II. (3) Thousands of women of all ages and ethnicities moved from across the United States to Richmond, California, in search of high paying jobs and skills never before available to women in the shipyards.