Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/60

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114 STAT. 1654A-18 PUBLIC LAW 106-398 —APPENDIX SUBTITLE D—^MATTERS RELATING TO MANAGEMENT OF NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Sec. 3151. Term of office of person first appointed as Under Secretary for Nuclear Security of the Department of Energy. Sec. 3152.Membership of Under Secretary for Nuclear Security on the Joint Nuclear Weapons Council. Sec. 3153. Organization plan for field offices of the National Nuclear Security Administration. Sec. 3154. Required contents of future-years nuclear security program. Sec. 3155. Future-years nuclear security program for fiscal year 2001. Sec. 3156. Engineering and manufacturing research, development, and demonstration by plant managers of certain nuclear weapons production plants. Sec. 3157. Prohibition on individuals engaging in concurrent service or duties within National Nuclear Security Administration and outside that Administration but within Department of Energy. Sec. 3158. Annual plan for obligation of funds of the National Nuclear Security Administration. Sec. 3159. Authority to reorganize National Nuclear Security Administration. SUBTITLE E—NATIONAL LABORATORIES PARTNERSHIP IMPROVEMENT Sec. 3161. Technology Infrastructure Pilot Program. Sec. 3162. Report on small business participation in National Nuclear Security Administration activities. Sec. 3163. Study and report related to improving mission effectiveness, partnerships, and technology transfer at national security laboratories and nuclear weapons production facilities. Sec. 3164. Report on effectiveness of National Nuclear Security Administration technology development partnerships with non-Federal entities. Sec. 3165. Definitions. SUBTITLE F—MATTERS RELATING TO DEFENSE NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION Sec.3171.Annual report on status of nuclear materials protection, control, and accounting program. Sec. 3172. Nuclear Cities Initiative. Sec. 3173. Department of Energy nonproliferation monitoring. Sec. 3174. Sense of Congress on the need for coordination of nonproliferation programs. Sec. 3175. Limitation on use of funds for International Nuclear Safety Program. SUBTITLE G—OTHER MATTERS Sec. 3191. Extension of authority for appointment of certain scientific, engineering, and technical personnel. Sec. 3192. Biennial report containing update on nuclear test readiness postures. Sec. 3193. Frequency of reports on inadvertent releases of Restricted Data and Forme rly Restricted Data. Sec. 3194. Form of certifications regarding the safety or reliability of the nuclear weapons stockpile. Sec. 3195.Authority to provide certificate of commendation to Department of Energy and contractor employees for exemplary service in stockpile stewardship and security. Sec. 3196. Cooperative research and development agreements for government-owned, contractor-operated laboratories. Sec. 3197. Office of Arctic Energy. TITLE XXXII—DEFENSE NUCLEAR FACILITIES SAFETY BOARD Sec.3201. Authorization. TITLE XXXIII—NATIONAL DEFENSE STOCKPILE Sec. 3301. Authorized uses of stockpile funds. Sec. 3302. Increased receipts under prior disposal authority. Sec. 3303. Disposal of titanium. TITLE XXXIV—NAVAL PETROLEUM RESERVES Sec.3401. Minimum price of petroleum sold from certain naval petroleum reserves. Sec. 3402. Repeal of authority to contract for cooperative or unit plans affecting Naval Petroleum Reserve Numbered 1. Sec. 3403. Disposal of Oil Shale Reserve Numbered 2. TITLE XXXV—MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Sec. 3501. Authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2001.