Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 3.djvu/61

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PUBLIC LAW 106-398—APPENDIX 114 STAT. 1654A-19 Sec. 3502. Scrapping of National Defense Reserve Fleet vessels. Sec. 3503. Authority to convey National Defense Reserve Fleet vessel, Glacier. Sec. 3504. Maritime intermodal research. Sec. 3505.Maritime research and technology development. Sec. 3506. Reporting of administered and oversight funds. TITLE XXXVI—ENERGY EMPLOYEES OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESS COMPENSATION PROGRAM Sec. 3601. Short title. Sec. 3602. Findings; sense of Congress. SUBTITLE A—ESTABLISHMENT OF COMPENSATION PROGRAM AND COMPENSATION FUND Sec. 3611. Establishment of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program. Sec. 3612. Establishment of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Fund. Sec. 3613. Legislative proposal. Sec. 3614. Authorization of appropriations. SUBTITLE B—PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION Sec. 3621. Definitions for program administration. Sec. 3622. Expansion of list of beryllium vendors. Sec. 3623. Exposure in the performance of duty. Sec. 3624. Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health. Sec. 3625. Responsibilities of Secretary of Health and Human Services. Sec. 3626. Designation of additional members of Special Exposure Cohort. Sec. 3627. Separate treatment of chronic silicosis. Sec. 3628. Compensation and benefits to be provided. Sec. 3629. Medical benefits. Sec. 3630. Separate treatment of certain uranium employees. Sec. 3631. Assistance for claimants and potential claimants. SUBTITLE C—TREATMENT, COORDINATION, AND FORFEITURE OF COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS Sec. 3641. Offset for certain payments. Sec. 3642. Subrogation of the United States. Sec. 3643. Payment in full settlement of claims. Sec. 3644. Exclusivity of remedy against the United States and against contractors and subcontractors. Sec. 3645. Election of remedy for beryllium employees and atomic weapons employ- ees. Sec. 3646. Certification of treatment of payments under other laws. Sec. 3647. Claims not assignable or transferable; choice of remedies. Sec. 3648. Attorney fees. Sec. 3649. Certain claims not affected by awards of damages. Sec. 3650. Forfeiture of benefits by convicted felons. Sec. 3651. Coordination with other Federal radiation compensation laws. SUBTITLE D—^ASSISTANCE IN STATE WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROCEEDINGS Sec. 3661. Agreements with States. SEC. 3, CONGRESSIONAL DEFENSE COMMITTEES DEFINED. For purposes of this Act, the term "congressional defense committees" means— (1) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate; and (2) the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives. TITLE I~PROCUREMENT SUBTITLE A—AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS Sec. 101. Army. Sec. 102. Navy and Marine Corps. Sec. 103. Air Force.