PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 115 STAT. 3201 4810.99 4810.99.10 Annex I (continued) •«3- (Papef am papertiaard. ooatad on on« <x...| (OVwrpaper and papeftxard:) Other. In stiips or rok of • widtt) exceeding IS cm or in reciangular (induding vjaan) sheets witi one side exceedhig 36 on andthe other side exceeding IS cm in the witolded slate - Cards, nci pwKhed. (or puKhcaid machmas. wtiether or not in strips.. (See Annex ltl(A) to this proclamation) (See Annex IH(A) 10 IMS prodamalianj 4See Annex IIKA)
- lothts
- prodamationj
Fiee(ACA.E.IU. MX) Fiee (A.CAE.II-J. MX) F(ee(A.CA.EJU. MX) 30% 26.S« (b). Conforming change: Subheadings 4823.90.30 and 4623.90.65 are renumbered as 4823.90.31 and 4823.90.66. respectivety. (197Xa). Heading 4811 and all subordinate subheadings and text thereto are superseded by: Paper, pspertioanL celiiniB waddng and mta of celMasefibers,ooatad. Impregnated, covered. turfac»<xik]red, aurfaoe-decoralad or pilnled. in roHs or ractanoOiar (iridudkte square) aheels. oT any size, other than goods olthe kind deeoibed Inhesdng 4803, 4809ar48ia 4811.10 Tanad. Mtumlnfaad or asptiaHad paparand papertoard: 4811.10.10: In strips or iDts of a width exceeding IS cm or kt redangiiar (Indudhtg square) sheets with one side axoeeding 36 on and the other side excaeding 15 cm inthe uniolded stale. 4811.41 4811.41.10 Other.. Gummed or adhesive paper and papertwaitt SaV.adheslva: In strips or rols ol a width excsediix) IS cm or In rectangUbr (indudkig square) sheets with one side exceeding 36 cm and the other side exceeding 15 cm In the untoktad state (See Annex in(A) IDMS prodamatiGn)
- (Sae Annex lll(A)
- (See Annex in(A)
tothb prodamation] ISee Annex lll(A> to IMS I) Fiee (A.CA.E.U. MX) FiBe(A.CA.EJU. MX) Fi««(A.CA.EJU. MX) Fme(ACA.aili, MX) 10K 2S.S« 3S%