Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/1128

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115 STAT. 3202 PROCLAMATION 7515—DEC. 18, 2001 Annex i (oonunueaj - 84- 4811.49 4811.49.10 4811.49.20 4811.49.30 4811.S1.aO 4811.91.40 4811.51.60 48 11JB 4811.Se.40 4811.S9.eO 4811.00 4811.00.40 4811.60.60 Papar, papcrboaid, ceUulase wadding and...) (Gunmad or adhesive paper and pap«rtaanl:| 0«wr Initrtps or rels of a widV) exoaattig 15 an or In raoongular finduding tquara) sheets with one aid* tieearling 36 em and the other aide axcaadnB IS em In 8ia unMdad elate. Olh ar In strips or roHs.. Paper and paperteard. oeatad. Impragnitad or covered w«hptasHcs («muding adhanoas^ Btaaettad. wcighina tiwi* than 198 Q/af: In sMps or rafli a( a mrfdlh esneeAig IS em or In weiangi'lar <lndiid>n s^uaie)(heels wNh ana side »«Mading 36 em and theother aMeenceedbis IS cm In Via unfolded slala: 0.3 mm or more Inttadmes* 4See Annex 111(A) tottiis predamalionl 4S«e Annex NKA) 19Ms pwdamatior^ InaMps or mMi of a wMheMsaatfnB IS cm er In ivelanodar (inaluino 36 om and Iha atttaf aMa doeedng IS cm In•« uniaHedalBle: Prinline paper Free 4See Annex HI(A}


4See Annex UKA) loNs pPDCtairattonl 4Sea Annex m(A) toMs Paper and papartxjaid, coaled, impragnatod or covered wMh w«x. paraflin, slaaria al or glycaral: In strips or rails of a widthaHoeaIng IS cm or in radangwlar Ondudbv s«ara) aheeft «Nh one side CKceedins 36 cm and theother aide exoaednp IS cm inIte untoUad state.— Ottiar.. Free 4Sac An nex HKA) tot * predamalianl 4Sae Annex 111(A)


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f5ae Annex IM(A)

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