Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1204

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1152 TREATY WITH VENEZUELA. AUGUST 27, 1860. are specified to be contraband in dos como contrabando en el articulo the thirteenth article of the present décimo—tercero de la presente conconvention. vencion. ARTICLE xv:. ARTICULO XVI. m?‘;“;lt2°;;f1fg;,s _ And that captures on light suspi- Y para evitar las capturas fundapcions may be avoided, and injurtes das en leves sospechas,e 1mpedir los thence arising prevented, it is agreed daios consiguientes, se conviene en that when one party shall be engaged que cuando una parte estuviere en in war, and the other party be neu- guerra. y la otra permaneciere neutral, the ships of the neutral party tral, se daran a los buques de la shall be furnished with passports, parte neutral, pasaportes de los that it may appear thereby that the cuales aparezca que los buques perships really belong to the citizens tenecen realmente at ciudadanos de of' the neutral party; they shall be la parte neutral; estos pasaportes les valid for any number of voyages, serviran para cualquier mimero de but shall be renewed every year-- viajes, pero se renovaran de aiio en that is, if the ship happens to return aio, entendiéndose esto, si acaso el home in the space of a year. If the buque volviese at su pais dentro del ships are laden they shall be pro- espacio de un aio. Si los buques vided, not only with the passports estan cargados, no solo iran provisabove mentioned, but also with cer- tos de los pasaportes arriba mentiflcates, so that it may be known cionados, sino tambien de certificawhether they carry any contraband dos tales que por ellos se conozca si No other paper goods. No other paper shall be llevan géneros de contrabando; yno ’°‘¥“"°d‘ required, any usage or ordinance to se requerira ningun otro papel, no the contrary notwithstanding. And obstante cualquier uso tx ordenanza if it shall not appear from the said en contrario. Y si no constare de certificates that there are contraband dichos certilicados, que hai abordo goods on board, the ships shall be I géneros de contrabando, se permitiré. permitted to proceed on their voy- zi los buques proseguir sus viajes. Si age. If it shall appear from the i constsire de los certificados que hai Oontmband. certificates that there are contra- abordo de tal buque géneros de conband goods on board any sucl1 ship, trabando, y su comandante ofreciere and the commander- of the same entregarlos, se aeeptara la oferta, se shall ofl`er to deliver them up the dara un recibo de ellos y quedara el offer shall be accepted, and a receipt buque en libertad de continuar su for the same shall be given, and the I viage ; é. menos que, la cantidad ship shall be at liberty to pursue its de los géneros de contrabando sea voyage unless the quantity of the i mayor que la que convenientemente contraband goods be greater than i pueda reoibirse abordo del buque de can conveniently be received on , guerra, priblico 6 privado; caso en board the ship-of-war or privateer, el cual el buque sera llevado, para in which case, as in all other cases que los entregue, como en todos los of just detention, the ship shall be demas de justa detencion, al puerto carried into the nearest safe and i mas inmediato, comodo y seguro. convenient port for the delivery of the same. It there M6 *10 If any ship shall not be furnished Si algun buque no estuviere prop°SSp°m’ with such passport or certificates as visto del pasaporte o eertifieados que are above required for the same, serequieren,segunlodicho,podra. un such case may be examined by ai juez 6 tribunal competente examiproper judge or tribunal, and it' it nar la causa, y si se viere de otros shall appear from other documents documentos 6 pruebas, admisibles or proofs, admissible by the usage segun el uso de las naeiones, que el of nations, that the ship belongs to buque pertenece zi, los eiudadanos the citizens or subjects of the neu- 6 subditos de la parte neutral, no tral party, it shall not be coudscated, sera coufiscado, siuo puesto en lib-