Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1206

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1154 TREATY WITII VENEZUELA. AUGUST 27, 1860. cruisers as fully sufficient; the two l bandera lleva él, y que no tienen ai parties reciprocally engaging not to su bordo géneros de contrabando; admit under the protection of their obligandose reciprocamente ambas convoys ships which shall have on partes a no admitir bajo la protecboard oontraband goods destined to cion de sus convoyes, buques que an enemy. tengan a su bordo géneros de contrabando destinados a uu enemigo. ARTICLE XIX. I ARTICUL0 XIX. Dutyin cm, of In all cases where vessels shall En todos los casos en que se capcupwred v¤¤¤¢l¤· be captured, or detained to be car- turaren 6 detuviéren buques para ried into port, under pretence of conducirlos a. un puerto con motivo carrying to the enemy contraband de que llevan géneros de contragoods, the captor shall give a re- bando, el captor dara de los papeles ceipt for such of the papers of the del buque que retenga un recibo vessel as he shall retain, which re- que pondra al pié de una copia de ceipt shall be annexed to a copy of ellos; y no sera licito romper ni the said papers; and it shall be abrir los cuarteles, areas, baules, cuunlawful to break up or open the bas, fardos ni vasos hallados abordo, hatches, chests, trunks, casks, bales, ni sacar la menor porcion del caror vessels found on board, or remove gamento, a menos que se lleve a the smallest part of the goods, unless tierra, y a presencia de los empleathe lading be brought on shore in dos competentes los cuales haran presence of the competent officers, de el un inventario. Ni sera. licito and an inventory be made by them vender, permutar ni enajenar dc of the same. Nor shall it be lawful ningun modo dichos articulos de to sell, exchange, or alienate the contrabando,a menos que haya hasaid articles of contraband in any bido proeedimiento legal y que el manner, unless there shall have juez 6 jueces competentes hayan been lawliil process, and the com- pronunciado contra ellos sentencia petent judge, or judges shall have de confiseacion. pronounced against such goods sentence of confiscation. ARTICLE XX. ARTICUL0 XX. Master, Src. of And in such time of war, that Y para que se cuide conveniente-

I;:::;°;x*:::;’d“°* proper care may be taken of the mente en dicho tiempo de guerra el

Mvessel and cargo, and embezzlement buque y carga, y se impida su hurto, prevented, it is agreed that it shall se conviene en que no sera licito not be lawful to remove the master, quitar de abordo de ningun buque commander, or supercargo of any capturado, a su capitan, comancaptured ship from on board there- dante, ni sobrecargo, durante el ot, during the time the ship may be tiempo que estuviere el buque en at sea after her capture, or pending el mar, despues de la captura, 6 the proceedings against her, or her mientras penden los procedimientos cargo, or anything relating thereto; contra él, el cargamento 6 cualand in all cases where a vessel of quiera cosa que le concierna. Y the citizens of either party shall be en todos los casos en que se capcaptured or seized and held for ad- turare, 6 cojiére, y se retuviére Crow and pas- judication, her officers, passengers, para que sc adjudique, algnn buque ‘°“$°"‘ and crew shall be hospitably treated; de los ciudadanos de cualquiera de they shall not be imprisoned or de- las partes, se clara hospitalidad :9. privcd of any part of their wear- sus empleados, pasajeros y tripulaing apparel, nor of the possession tion; ellos no senin encarcelados, and use of their money, not exceed- ni privados de parte alguna de sus ing for the captain, supercargo, and vestidos, ni de la posesion y uso de mate five hundred dollars each, and su dinero, en cuanto no exceda de