Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1215

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TREATY WITH THE ARAPAHOES, ETC. FEB. 18, 1861. 1163 I Treaty between the United States of America and the Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians of the Upper Arkansas River. Uoncluded, February 18, 1861. Rattfied, with amendment, August 6, 1861. Amendment accepted, October 29, 1861. Proclaimed, December 5, 1861. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Feb. 18, 1801. ro Am. nun sruoumn T0 wuom rumen mmsnms smm. conn, onnsrimz WHEREAS a treaty was made and concluded at Fort Wise, in the Ter- Pmambb ritory of Kansas, on the eighteenth day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, by and between Albert G. Boone and F. B. Culver, commissioners on the part of the United States, and the hereinafter-named chiefs and delegates of the confederated tribes of Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians of the Upper Arkansas River, they being duly authorized thereto by said tribes, which treaty is in the words and figures following, to wit: Articles of agreement and convention made and concluded at Fort contracting Wise, in the Territory of Kansas, on the eighteenth day of February, in P°·’*i°“- the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, by and between Albert G. Boone and F. B. Culver, commissioners on the part of the United States, and the following named chiefs and delegates, representing the eonfederated tribes of Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians of the Upper Arkansas River, viz.: Little Raven, Storm, Shave-Head, and Big Mouth, (on the part of the Arapahoes,) and Black Kettle, White Antelope, Lean Bear, Little Wolf, Tall Bear, and Left Hand, or Namos, (on the part of the Cheyennes,) they being thereto duly authorized by said eonfederated tribes of Indians. Aurrrcne lst. The said chiefs and delegates of said Arapahoe and Chey- 3,,,,50;, of enne tribes of Indians do hereby eede and relinquish to the United States l¤¤<i¤· all the lands now owned, possessed, or claimed by them, wherever situated, except a tract to be reserved for the use of said tribes located within the following described boundaries, to wit: Beginning at the mouth of the Bomdmw Sandy Fork of the Arkansas River and extending westwardly along the said river to the mouth of Purgatory River; thence along up the west bank of the Purgatory River to the northern boundary of the Territory of New Mexico; thence west along said boundary to a point where a line drawn due south from a point on the Arkansas River, five miles east of the mouth of the Huerfano River, would intersect said northern boundary of New Mexico; thence due north from that point on said boundary to the Sandy Fork to the place of beginning. The Arapahoes and Cheyennes, being desirous of promoting settled Tenure of habits of industry and enterprise amongst themselves, by abolishing the 1’·“d’· tenure in common by which they now hold their lands, and by assigning limited quantities thereof in severalty to the individual members of the respective tribes, to be cultivated and improved for their individual use and benefit, it is hereby agreed and stipulated that the tract of country contained within the boundary above described, shall be set apart and retained by them for the purposes aforesaid. Reservation h According to an understanding among themselves, it is hereby agreed be ,,,,,.,,),8.1 and between the United States and the said tribes that the said reservation dividedvon. X11. Tatum.--149