Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1216

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1164 TREATY WITH THE ARAPAHOE shall be surveyed and divided by a, line to be run due north from a. point on the northern boundary of New Mexico, fifteen miles west of the hurgutory River, and extending to the Sandy Fork of the Arkansas River, which said line shall establish the eastern boundary of that portion of the reservation, to be hereafter occupied by the Cheyennes, and the western boundary of that portion of said reservation to be hereafter occupied by the Arapahoes. Assignment in ARTICLE 2d. Out of the lands so set apart and retained there shall be Qgvgzaggeglggds assigned to each member of said tribes, without distinction of age or sex, tribe, a tract of forty acres, to include, in every case, as far as practicable, a - reasonable portion of timber and water; one hundred and sixty acres of to agent of said retained lands shall also be set apart. and appropriated to the use and

  • ·*’f°°°· occupancy of the agent, for the time being, of said tribes; and one hun—

dred and sixty acres shall also be reserved out of each division of the f°*‘ ¤°h°°l¤· retained tract for the establishment and support of schools for the educahg»d*;.°***i°¤ of tion of the youth of the tribes. The location of the tracts, the assignment of which is provided for in this article, shall be made in as regular and compact u manner as possible, and so as to admit of 2. distinct and welldefined exterior boundary, embracing the whole of them, and any intermediate portions or parcels of land or water not included in or made part , I-****1* °W¤°d of the tracts assigned in severalty. All such intermediate parcels of land m °°mm°°' and water shall be owned in common by the tribe occupying that portion of the reservation within the limits of which said parcels of land and water may be included; but in case of increase in the tribe, or other cause rendering it necessary or expedient, the said intermediate parcels of land shall be subject to distribution and assignment in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe and direct. The whole of the lands, assigned and unassigned, embraced within the exterior boundary N¤¤¤¤ of mw- herein designated, shall constitute and be known as the Reservation of "¤°°‘ the Arapahoes and Cheyennes of the Upper Arkansas; and all laws La`"` which have been or may be passed by the Congress of the United States regulating trade and intercourse with Indian tribes, shall have full force and effect over the same, and no white person, except as shall be in the employment of the United States, shall be allowed to reside or go upon any portion of said reservation without the written permission of the superintendent of the central superintendency, or of the agent of the tribes. · Assignment tc ARTICLE 3d. The division and assignment in sevemlty among the

n‘;‘l.°§2c;;‘;f§ Arapahoes and Cheyennes of the land hereinbefore reserved for that purof Interior. pose. shall be made under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior,

and his decision of all questions arising thereupon shall be final and concminmes. elusive. Certificates shall be issued by the Commissioner of Indian Af- fairs for the tracts assigned in severalty, specifying the names of the individuals to whom they have been assigned respectively, and that the said tracts are set apart for the exclusive use and benefit of the assignees and Lands mm) be their heirs. And said tracts shall not be alienated in fee, leased, or otheralienated, except) viuse disposed of} except to the United States, or to members of the respec- &¤. five bands of Arapahoes and Cheyennes, and under such rules and regu- &;<> be €>¤¤Y¤P¤ Iations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. And said ' tracts shall be exempt from taxation, levy, sale, or forfeiture, until other- Disposition in wise provided by Congress. Prior to the issue of the certificates afore- We of death. &¤· said, the Secretary of the Interior shall make such rules and regulations as he may deem necessary or expedient respecting the disposition of any of said tracts, in case of the death of the person or persons to whom they may be assigned, so that the same shall be secured to the families of such deceased persons ; and should any of the Indians to whom tracts shall be assigned, abandon them, the said Secretary may take such action in rela.- tion to the proper disposition thereof as, in his judgment, may be necessary and proper.