Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1326

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1274 INDEX. ns: PM! Alblment Uertfjicatcs, (continued), Annuities, (continued), power and duty of such commissioners, 831 to be withheld those who drink, puymasters to give drsils on New York &c. ardent spirits, 929, 935, 941, 948, 960, for certified allotment, .. 881 966, 978, 1000, 1034, 1040 `drafts, to whom payable, . . 881 Annuities and Grants, vomiuissioners to receive no pay, .. 331 to Elizabeth C. Perry, ... 143 sutlers’ lien on soldiersi(psy_abo1ished,. 331 Apaches, of psy to persons he as prisoners appropriations for,. .: ._ 48, 224, 515, 777 of WI.! in the socalled Confederate Appeal. See Consuls, Munsters. States, 618 right of parties to, in cases before cer- Secretary of War to give drafts for, tain ministers and consuls abroad,. . 73-78 payable in New York or Boston,... 613 right ot; in patent cases and cases of Allotment Tickds, copyrights, . . . .. . _. . . . . 130 system oi may be introduced among from decisions of examiners, &c., in the volunteers, .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 patent-office, .. 246 Allowance, from the courts in Kansas and the terof sugar and oofce to noncommissioned ritories. See those T illes. officers, &c., ... 68 none allowed in cases of fraudulent Allowance and Drawback, undervaluation in the internal revunder intemal revenue act, provisions enue act, . . ... 435 concemin , ... 488, 489, 730 from valuation by assistant assessors . . 487, Allowance. See icy. (See Internal Revenue.) 445 of $100 to volunteer servinp two years, as to erroneous or excessive valuations &c., when honorably disc iarged, . 270 for direct tax, by assessor, .. 299 of $100 to widow, or heirs, of volunteer when to be made, 299 killed or dying in the service, ... 270 to be in writing and what to state,. 800 daily, of provisions in the navy, may be who to hear and determine, and altered, . . . 265 where, ... 299, 300 proceedings in such case, . 265 principle on which appeals as to valuaof fresh fruits, &c., in hospitals,. ... 289 tion to be decided, . 300 Alvord, Benjamin, to federal supreme court, act relative to, 319 to be credited with public funds lost, . . .. 879 when taken by both parties, a transcript Amazon, of the record, filed by either party, free navigation of the, and its tributa- may be used in both appeals, ... 820 ries, . . ... . 1017 See Direct Tax. Amendment, nom state courts to circuit courts, in acproposed to the Constitution of the Unit- tions against officers for false arrest, ed States, . 251 &c., .. . 756, 757 American Citizens, in certain cases, not to be allowed, . 757 rights ot, abroad, see Beyium, Bolivia, China, the United States may prosecute to the Japan, Liberia, Paraguay, Ottoman Empire, supreme court, without giving secu- Venezuela. rity for costs, &c., ... 657 American Board of Commissioners for Foreign costs, how paid, . . . . .. 657, 658 Jmssions, to supreme court, from court of claims, 765, released from certain treaty obligations, 834 See Actions, Habeas Corpus. 767 American Nautical Almanac, Appeals in Prize Cases, appropriation for, 19, 83, 150, 565, 818 to be made directly to supreme court, American tate Papers, from district courts, 760 contract with Gales & Seaton for pub- and within thirty days, unless, &c., 760 lishing, modified, .. 110, 111 may be claimed, when amount exceeds new price, size of volumes, distribution, 111 $2000,... ... . .. 760 distribution oi, .. 245 or on certificate of district judge, American Steamshnos, &c., . . 750 preference to be given to, over foreign, Appleton, Charles, in carrying the mails, when, &c. 39 invalid pension fo, . . . ... . 888 this repealed, ... . ... 382 Applications for Patents, Ames, JC G., when to be completed, fees, &c.,.. . .247, 248 may institute suit against the United Apportionment. See lbirect Tux. States to test title to certain lots in of direct tax, provisions concerning,. 301, Hospital Square, San Francisco, 125, 126 302 proceedings in such suit, ... 126 amounts annually apportioned to the Amnesty, several states and territories, 295, 296 President may proclaim and extend, to Appraisers and Assistant Appraisers, those in rebellion, .. i. . 592 at San Francisco, salaries of, establish- Anderson, Alexander D., ed, ... 411 administrator of John Anderson, decis- Appraiser-General, , ion of court of claims against, con- on Pacific coast, 0506 of an additional, iirmed, . .. 923 abolished, . 411 Angus, Anne W., Appropriations, payment to, ofdeceased husband’s pay, . 870 for deficiency in postroilics department, Annuities. See the several Indian Treaties. 1859, and its support in 1861,. ... 1 of tribes, not to be taken to pay debts of for pensions,.. ... 2, 124, 831, 332, 637 individuals, ..928, 934, 940-1000 See Pensions.