Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1327

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INDEX. 1275 •Appropria¢z'mzs (continued.) mm AW,.,,p,.·aMm. · ’*°' f¤r ¤¤¤·*=y’S¤pM¤ti<;r;¤,£$-, Sigh Indians, 4, for lmmtirignztnngidgmom ships or ‘ 512 629 774 ‘ · _ See Indian beparlmenr. ) I |;0¤;|m?g b:t?·l;;s’ @6 deficiencies for 1860, . . . . . Y . .. 17 nance stores .. . . , 286 for consular and diplomatic expgnggeg ¥grp•;y’§gm;L1;ssi3n¢{%:.o;:tax% 312 See Consular and Diplomatic Expmses. volunteers , H m , an orgumzing 316 washington ’1‘e¤-iwry,..rK ... T? is ,§,’5’L,§§‘F?T‘??T‘ °f “"° ““““““ °°"" 3,6 f¤¤ ¤¤m¤>§¢ of1g1g_ military wrdemy, 23,124, to pay expenses, L? éékinaééabk 'si '{sl _ 69 ¢ muy Awdevqy. 337, 636 port as to compensation of onicers of for service of the post-office depart- government 316 mem,. .. 1, 31, 112, 204, esi, me rm- ¤mmucuZ¤1`6%`£vGéiGé`§¤hIu`é1hZ§ See Post-Office Department. wheel ste s . . . . . 316 forM expenses of legislative assembly of for contingelixnegs of . 316 f rnnesota, 42 for pay of clerks of district attorney in or light-houses, beacons, buoys, &c.,.. 61 Califomia,. ... . .. . ... 320 f See Lzghz-Houses,;-c. for metropolitan police in District of or suplggt of theAnrmy, @4, 200, 261, 344, Columbia,. .. . . 326 e rmy pproprurtion. 505, 642 to rov`d f ° s f th L for support of the navy, 80, 147, 265, 315, Bgidge, 7. . Er. é . . 327 See Nam] App _ 561, 631, 814 to (pay pertgkn voluréteers in Allegheny 327 _ ropn . o , ,. for legislative, executige, engl 2judicial for medals ofalignsolr, . 330, 624 expenses ., ... 13 76 355 682 for gunboats on western rivers ... . 331 f _S5e Ifegzslative, Zpproprialion. ,104 tofprotect overland emigrants, to Calior cxv expenses 0 ie government, , omia &c.. . . 333 642 _ _ 214, 271, 348, 533, 582, 744 for expenses of special committee on f See Czvzl Expenses, Amopriation. government contracts,. . 334 or equestrian statue of asgum, 114 for ureh · f tto dt bs d for deficiencies of 1861,. .. 131 ft; gcn;;;lOdis::dbuxti:ol;1,.. T). . 777. 338 forGexpenses of (ponvelptious with New for construction of twenty iron-clad rauada and ostu. ics., ... 146 steam-gunboats, ., . 338 for supmgpsskng Ipdian gogilities in Utah for completing the defences of Washing- 1n as mg on an regon,. .. ton, . .. 339 in California, ..., 199 for fortifications and coast defen 841 843 for expenses of treasury notes, 179 See Forti/ioations, gw:. ce, , 654 foiwzompletion ofdeeological survey of 207 forillummgtion of public buildings, Febasin to an e n ... ‘ 1862, 343 for yearl egnding Juner3€)1l361, for pay- fonqlndian affairs, changed,. ... . . . . 844 ment of militia. and volunteers called for the signal service of the army,. . . . . 844 into the service of the United States, 255 to carry into effect the act authorizing to defray expenses under act to aut};;- 3 the issue of $150,004),000 treasury ize a nations oem, . , 13 notes, . 846 to pay the militia, and volunteers,.  : . . 255 for purchase of blank checks for use of to pay expenses under acts authorizing the sub-treasury, ... 353 t anationglloan,. 261, to fulfil treaty stipulations with Han- 354 o pay or ne exacte o e ia, over, .. . ... under act for temporary increase of the 278 foihjplint commission to protect Atlantic navy . . ... s eries, .. 869 forhaddifional pay to widows, &c., of 27 fol;IC01l1D’1b1l\D institution for deaf 35131 87 t ose ost in ie Levant, ... 3 umb, , 0 for relief of certain musicians and sol- for clerks in oinoe of assistant treasurer diers at Fort Sumter, . .. 273 in Boston, . 878 for refunding duties on arms imported for carrying into effect act abolishing by states, . . 274 slavery in the District of Columbia,. . 378 for suitable steamer for revenue cutter, 276 to aid colonization of emigrants from to indemnify states for expenses in be- 27 District of Columbia to Hayti or Li- 378 half of general government, 6 beria, ... . . for payment of federal police in Balti- for Stevens' battery . .. . . . 880 more, ...,. 279 deficiency appropriation for post·0Hice to enable the mint to furnish small gold department for 1863, . . . . 381 coins, . 279 for branch mint at Denver, 383 to énizéiufactnre, &c., apparatus, &c., for 279 for volunteers, and for pag, bounty, un: _ e -signa s, ... pensions to o eers an men in wes to supply with arms, &c., loyal citizens 1 ern department, .,. . .. :. 885 in tates in rebellion, and for expenses for additional and temporary clerks in of military organization, 283 the treasury department, ... 394 to purchase arms for volunteers and for raising sunken property, .. 481 re ulars .. Q . ‘ .. 283 for postal service on new post-routes, 431, 432 g I _ toreimbnrse volunteers for money paid [ for expenses under the internal revto bands,) 284 enue act, .. 488 von. xu. N1>1¤:x- 16