Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1330

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1278 INDEX. nu: nu Arm? (continued.) Army, (continued.) crt on Hog Island Ledge, 67, 203, 263 army medical museum, ... 645 {:01* giclimoild, . . 67, 203, 263 cogtrabands, medicines and B‘H'»0I1d8·¤C€ ort 1:. hi 'p . . 67 ox-, , . ... . {I 0112 'églylor,. .. G7, 203, 263 telegraph for military pxgrposes,. . · ori; intyhrop .. 67 203, 263 contingencies 0 army, c., ... , contingent expéuses of fortiiicationé, 68, 203 supplies, care, &c., of prisoners of war,. 644 lglilifary surveys, &c., 62, 203, 508, 6:2 appropriations applicable to all classes of e d-signals apparatus c., for v0 unteers, signal-odiccr to be addéd to smh of allowance of sugar and cotfee to nouarmy, 66 commissioned officcrs, privates, &c., 68 pay and allowances ot} 66 payment tosofvg for expenses of defence for surveys, &c., for military posts againstt e n ians . ... near valley of the Red River of Secretary of Wargom sntx¤fi:d£>f the North . 6 the necessity 0 ng ou c and at ,01* near Fort Cobb, in troops, ... :.. .. 68 Indian Territory, .. 67 pay and allowance as in thearmy, . 68 report to, made to next Con- and only while in active ser- grass, . 67 vice, . . 1 . . . Stable at Curhslnbarraclrs, 67 paizuienfétaaggxas for volunteers smcé isburscments or vo unteers in 0 . , .. .. . Kansas in 1856, G7 Secrotary 0i' War to be satisfied, to restore children of Edward Mil— &c., .. . . . . 68 timoro to relatives, . 67 limit of amount of payment, .2 . 68 medical corps of the army to be in- pa¥éé.c., of militia in New Mexico, in creased, ... 67 , . .. . ...,. how to be appointed, ._ 67 to be mmm as in the army, 68 books of tactics and instruction,. . . 261, 505 commission to be appointed upon United horses for artillery and cavalry,  ?££ Statécs liiilimry Academy, . { 68 , 0 w om w consist, appointmen , horse equipments, ... 263: 264, 345 &c., .. . 68, 69 gunboats on western rivers, . . . 263 duties and report, 1 . . .. 68, 69 guupowder and lead, 268, 264, 508, 646 expenses of c0r¤m1ss10r1, how paid, 69 camp equipage, . . 264,-%:, 507, 644 1211;; in Eau Antonio, Texas, §`lV€I1§bl‘ quarters for troops, .. 506 644 rrac s to be reconveyc to an repairs, &c., of barracks, &c., . ’ , 264 Aritouio, ... . .. G9 hire of quarters and store-houses, &cgb. gudgxgnsnt against A. T. Lec and others, 6 to pai . repairing buildings, hutting troops, &c.,’201, indemnity of citizens of Iowa and Min- 506, 644 nesota. for losses near Spirit Lake. by refunding to states expenses of volun- Ink-pu-du-tah’s band of Sioux, .. 203 tears, . 264, 845 for construction, &c., of military posts gunbontheet, . . . ireufalley of the Red River of the steam mms, ...,. , ort ,... .. 3 telegraph for military purposes, . .. 507. 644 report and drawings of the San Juan supplies, care, &c., of prisoners of Exploring Expedition, .. 203 war, . 507, 644 deficiencies caused by Indian hostilities, 203 purchase and manufacture ofarms, 508, 646 expenditure in qua.rtcrmnstcr’s bureau luke surveys, .. . 508, ggé be be examined into and reported upl t' f F t llnch, on ... 204 ggfrgtesggzlige fuiilii, .. 508 uccoonts of superintendent of Fort bounty to regulars and volunteers, 508, 643 Ridgely ond South Pass wagon roads collecting and drilling volunteers,. . 508, 643 to be pughted and stated, ..,..,.. 204 comfort of discharged soldiers, . . . . 508 appropriation for protection of emigrants Northwest Executive Building, ... § Xflfiho Ovrlandfgutcg between the Judiciary Square, t antic s ope an ali ornia, &c. . . . 204 pay of private physicians, ... . 509, 642 how to be expended, . .. . 204 surgical instruments, ... .. 509 law requiring part of hospital, &c., fund, comforts for the sick in h0sp1tals,. .. . . . 509 to go to support of military asylum, chaplains of hospitals, . . . . . . . . 509 repealed, .. I .. . ... 608 officc of puymustcr-general, . . 509 dcgignaiion (lf cnhsted men in ordnance compensation to citizen surgeons or epur meri . . . . 508 medical attendance,. . . . , 6 42 PR}', T8-¤<;¤S, not changed, ..., 509 soldiers, as cooks and nurses, . puymggt to recruiting oiicerg for re- ' teh s 't I , . e crux 509 irrégical scsi; lc., .. 644 additional clerks in 0E0e oi} — private physicians and medicines, .. 645 surgeon-general, . 509 citizen nurses, . . . . . .. gig g3}' m¤$Y€1"-g€¤€f'8»l, .. . ..,, 509 clerks and laborers, .. _]umnt—gcnera . 509 meteorcloggcal olnservutions, .. mag dcmil ,non-commissioned heating nn 000 ing stoves ... 0 cars . . ... . 9 comfort of discharged soldiors, . 645 $25 of the b0uuty’of $100, to be paid to artificial limbs for soldiers, 645 volunteer after enlistment, .. 509