Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1331

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INDEX. 1279 ns: Army, (continued.) Arsenal:. See Amy. nu certain a1des—de-camp to be nominated appropriations for 66 202 508 646 to Senate for consent, &»c., . .. 509 at St. Louis, Missouri to be sclld , , 208 military storckeepers in quartermastefs additions to and extensions ot: I department, .. . . 509 room, machinery, &c., appropriation ration of coffee and sugar may be com- for, .,. 263 muted for extract of cotfee, &.e., . 610 national, established at Columbus Inpainting of E. Leutze in the Capitol to dianapolis, and Rock Island l. . . 537 be completed and paid for, .. 510 appropriation for ... 645 adjutant-gencral’s office, contingencies Art Comrmssion, ’ l ot, . .. . . 507, 645 abolished, .. . 110 commanding-general’s office, contingent- Art Commissioners, cies 0 , 645 appro riation for of . . ... . 6 signal service, .. . 646 Article of EVM, my , 84 deficiency in signal service, ... 646 additional, forbidding military or naval no money to be paid as salary in any officers to return fugitives from scroflice, unless authorized, 646 vice, .. 354 nor to persons appointed to fill cer- penalty for violation,. . ... 354 tain vacancies, . 646 Articles, Army Corps, for the government of the navy, 601-606 the President may establish and organ- Artnjjioial Limbs, ize at his discretion, 599 for disabled seamen and soldiers, approodioers of each army corps, .. . 599 priations for, ... 583, 645 staff of commander, . . 599 Artillery Horses, senior officer of artillery, . . ... 599 appropriation for purchase ot, . .506, 644, 649 Army Oficers, Artillery Rqqiments, pay of,, when on coast survey duty, 105 to consist of not more than twelve batwhen on lighthouse duty, 107, 216, 349 terios, .. . .. 280 retired list for, provisions concerning,. .289, field and stat}" commissioned and non- 290 commissioned officers, . 280 may be heard before they are retired,. . 291 batteries of what to consist, .. . 280 absent from duty over six months, not additional officers may be allowed, 280 to have certain allowances, . 290 pay, term of enlistment, &c., . . 280 not to decide on validity of claim to an provision for disbandment, &c., 281 alleged fugitive slave, .. 591 Assay- Office at Akw York, forbidden to return escaped fugitives appropriations for,... 100, 142, 218, 364. 692 from service, .: ... . . . ._: 354 Assembly, Legislative, I ·I when may be retired or dismissed, . 596 of the several territories, appropriations Army Rution, for, . . 101, 142, 364, 365, 692 increase of, and of what to consist, 289 time of meeting of second session oi, in to be reduced when, &c., .. 289- Colorado Territory, 619 allowance to hospitals of fruits, milk, &c., 289 Assembly, Legislative, of eotfee and sugar may be commuted of the several territories, appro riations for extract of cofee, ... . 518 for. See titles of The several Temtohereafter to include pepper, ... 744 ms, .. . . . . . 692 to be p`r;>’perly prepared, .. 744 Assessment, _ _ _ Arnold, G. ., and collection of duties on shipboard in account of, for loread furnished volun- certain cases, .. 256 teers, to be paid,. . .3 .. 899 Secretary of Treasury to make Arrears ty Exploring Expedmon, _ rules and regulations,. . : . . . . 256 provision for payment ot, . 144 of direct tax on real estate, provisions 12 Arrest concernm ,. _ ... 296-3 ol` persons, authorized upon warrant is- _ gee Dzrect 7’a.·r. sued by certain consuls abroad, .. 74 Assessment Dzstrtcts. See Dzreet Tax. _ _ proceedings after arrest, .. 74 for assessing, &.c., direct tax, provisions when police in District of Columbia concerning,. ... 296 may arrest, without warrant, 581 Assessors. See Dzrect Tar. _ prisoner to be carried forthwith be- for assessing, &c., direct tax, appomtfore nearest magistrate, . .. . . 581 ment, duties, pay, &.c., ot,. .. 296-312 of officers, proceedings in cases of} 595, 596 under the internal revenuefact, appogrgé-489 copy ot charges, tual, . t . 595 ment, power, and dutyi o , ... 632 unless copy of charges served m may administer oat s, ... time, arrest to cease, ... 595 no fees therefor, . ... (ig ohlcers thus released from arrest, to to be paid salary, &c., 726 be tried within twelve mouths,. . 595 salary not to exceed $8900,. ... 7 officers now under arrest and awaiting additional pay to those in Oregon, 7 730 trial, to have same rights, .'  : . 596 forma., and hevada, , duty of police in cases of arrest in Dis- _ See Internal Revenue. trict of Columbia, . . . . , . 323 Assignment, _ I be ad AW G,.,,,,,,,],, · of wages and prize-monieykgaagd b rn. e at St. Louis, Missouri, to be laxd out and 208 lgfnaig gyhgiscggw. 1 ¤·Y· S Y <»¤·P· 607 . , ,. 1 ,. s

 oflsale, how applied, . 208 commander required to dnsccurage,  607