INDEX. 1233 Banking Associations (continued.) nn Banking Associaiions (continued.) PMB interest thereon, to whom paid, 674 copy to be sent each year to compmay be surrendered, &c., on cancel- troller, ... . 680 _ ling circulation, ii &c., . 674 any association may be depositary of if market value of bonds depreciates, public moneys, .. · .. 680 and difference is not made good on suits under this act, on behalfof the Unit notice, comptroller to do what, .. 674 ed States, to be conducted by district proceedmgs when former market-value attorneys, . 680 is regained, ... 674, 675 penalty for mutilating, &c., circulation, worn out or mutilated notes may be ex- &c., with intent, &c.,. . . 680 changed {br new,. . 675 forging, &c., circulating notes, 680 proceedings to make the exchange, 675 uttering, &c., forged notes, 681 _ old notes to be burned, ... 676 engraving, &c., or having custody circulating notes not to be signed or de- of plates, paper, &c., with intent, livered, except as provided for, .. 675 &c., ,... . . ..,. . 681 penalty for violation of this law,. . . 675 suits against associations, where may be expenses of examinations and of receiv— brought, .. 681 ership, how paid, .. 676 comptroller to report annually to conindebtedness of stockholders to associa» gress, 681 tion limited, . . . 675 contents of report, and when to be of directors, . I .. 675 made, 681 association not m loan on pledge of its any lawfully existing bank, &c., may stock, . 676 become an association, . 681, 682 nor own its stock, or stock of other proceedings in such case, . 682 association, unless, &c., .. . . 676 certain existing btuiks, owning bonds shareholders entitled to one vote for and transferring them, may receive each share, 676 circulating notes, . . 682 may vote by proxy, .. 676 proceedings, when such bank falls officers cannot act as proxy, ... 676 to redeem such circulation, . 682 when shareholder cannot vote, 676 bonds to be forteited, and may be directors,-— number, residence, interest, sold,. . . .. 682 oath, . . ... . ... 676 Ban/c Notes, Qc., term of office, election, vacancies,. 67 6 circulation ot, for less than $1, as money, association to have what amount of prohibited, . 592 money on hand, ... 677 Bank of Smyrna, when n0t‘t0 make new loans, . 677 indemniilcation for money borrowed what may be deemed lawful money, 677 oi, .. . . 918 if reserve falls below amount required, Banks, comptroller to notify, .. . 677 tax on dividends ot, ... . . .470, 471 if deliciency not made good, re- existing, may become banking associaceiver to be appointed, . 677 tions, ,. . .. ... .681, 682 debts of association not to exceed ea.pi— associations or individuals issuing notes tal, except, &c., 677 as currency, to pay tax on a certain circulation not to be pledged, . 677 per cent. thereof, 712 capital not to be diminished by divi— amount of tax, and when payable, . 712 dends, &c., . . . 677, 678 with branches, to have tax on several, dividends payable semi-annually, .. 678 and not aggregate, circulation, .. 712 cashier to make statement on dividend 678 circulation of banking associations, to 712 da , ... . .. . ... pay same tax, . . . . . ‘ gytatement to contain what, 678 tax on circulation of fractional notes to to be transmitted to comptroller,... 678 be five per cent., ... , ... 712 rate of interest on loans and discounts, 678, tax on certain deposits, on? eighth of 712 679 one per cent. semi-annua y, usury, to forfeit the debt, . 679 to make returns semisnnually, under what not to be deemed usury, . 679 oath, ... . ... 712, 713 liability of any individual to the associa.- return, ‘t0 state what, . 712, 713 tion, not to exceed what amount, 679 tax to be paid when making return, 713 certain notes not to be put in circula· 679 penaltykfor pleglgcth. . . 713 tion, . ...,. not m mg 1v1 en s, c., o ma e reall transfers, assignments, payments, &c., turns, and pay duty, .. 724 after an act oi' insolvency, or in con- in the United States, annual report upon, templation thereot, to be void, .. 679 when to be completed and printed,. . . 637 if directors knowingly violate this act, number of copies to be printed, 637 tranchise to be forteited, and they held Barbory Para-rs, _ _ individually, ... ·. .` . 679 appropriations for intercourse with,.,‘7(h 171, comptroller to cause associations to be 850, 638 examined, when he thinks proper, 679, 680 Barker, Jacob, _ _ compensation and examiners, and decision of court of claims against ashow paid, ..., 680 B lsignees ot, confirmed, ... 925 mbezzlement, &c., of funds, b officers arrac s, 8 or directors, how punished, ... 680 general appropriations for, 65, 201, 203, 506, list of shareholders to be kept, 680 _ _ 507, 816 to be open to inspection, ..,.. . 680 for rents, repairs, construction, 65 VOL. XII. INDEX-- 164
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