Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1336

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1284 INDEX. nu _ IMI! Barracks, (continued). Belgium, (contmued.) _ for stables at Carlisle barracks, 67 coasting trade of either country,. . .1045 to be built at Mare Island, 816 dudes on same imports to the Barracks, Marine, same if imported under exther at Charlestown, appropriation for, . 316 dag, .. . .. 1045, 10 L7 Ban-, Caale and, so as to export duties,. . .1045, 1047 ngyment to, for publishing laws, ... 887 and as to premiums, drawbacks, Ba t, John R., Ge., .. 1045,1046 accounts oi} to be adjusted and set- these not to apply to salt tled, ... . ... . . . 873, 874 and products of nndonal account due by him to Thomas W. isheries, . . 1046 Tansill to be first paid, . 874 what to be esteemed Belgian vessels Baton Rouge, and what vessels of the United city oi, title to certain public lands re- States, . .. 1046 linqnished to, .. 43 vessels of each country in the ports Bauhlion Adjumms and Quartermasters, of the other may retain parts of of cavalry, certain to be mustered out of cargoes on board, .. . 1046 service, ... 598 no charges on such parts of cer· Batlahbns. See Military Establishment. goes, . . 1046 of iniimtry, to consist of eight com- regulations as to werehoused puuies, .. . . 279 goods, . . . . . 1046 of cavalry, of not more than two squad- each state to have privileges of most rons, . . 279 favored nation, . 1047 psy of adjutnnt, qunrtermasters, and similar duties to be laid on similar eommissmies, . .. . . . 280 goods, ... . . 1047 Batteries, aid to be given in cases of shipin artillery regiments, of what to con- wrecks, &c., ... 1047 nist, .. 280 powers end privileges of cousuls additional otlioers maybe allowed,. 280 and vioe·oonsuls, ... 1047 Batteries, Floating. See Floating Batteries. deserters from vessels may be appropriation for, 286 arrested,. . . 1048 Bauay, certain articles exempt from transit iron steam, at Hoboken, N. J., to be ex- duty in Belgium, ... 1048 amined, ... 328 this treaty to be in force for ten Baxter and Sumner, years, and for twelve months afreleased from penalties of unfulfilled ter notice, .1048 contracts, . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829 ratiiicationqwheutobe exchanged, .1049 ———, Elizabeth M., ratification and proclamation, . -1049 pension to, ..,... 919 postal convention with, of December 21, Beacons. See Liqluhoaues. 1859, .. . .. 1111 Beauchamp, E M., periodical and regular exchange of correplevin bond executed by, not to be respondence, .. .1117 paid, . 883 mode and route, . . 1117 Beaeyim, closed mails, . 1117 port ot} declared open.. .. ...Appendix, 1264 expense o$ how to be borne, ... 1118 Bedell, exchange of mails, through what oilioes paymentto,. 19 andhowoften, . 1118 Beer, Ale, Porter, prepayment of postage optional, ... 1118 internal revenue duty on, . 446-458, 728 rate of letters and packets, ... .1118 Be/nring’s Straits, gre., postage on letters, . ... 1118 engraving charts of, ... . . . 88 how divided, ... 1118, 1119 completing publication of charts ot} 150 provision as to postage, in case of future Belfast, reduction of rates, .. . ... 1119 . pay of balance due contractor to build samples of merchandise to pay lettercustom-house at,. . . 219 postage, ... 11.19 Belgium, postage, how to be accounted for .. -1119 convention between the United States foreign letters, .. . ... .1119 and, of July 17, 1868, ... 1048 list of foreign countries to be furnished, ·1119 contracting parties, negotiators, scale of weights, &c., . 1119 &·c., ... 1048 postage on newspapers, pamphlets, &c. commerce and navigntixm to he free, must be prepaid, . 111.9, 1120 1048, 1044 if not prepaid, newspapers, &c. not citizens of both countries to have to be forwarded, ..,... .. 1120 same protection, . . .. 1044 postage on newspapers, gazettes, &c., ...1120 to_p¢y equal taxes and have same how to be divided,. ... 1120 lmnnunities, &c., 1044 letter bill to accompany each mail, . 1120 Belgian vessels in the United States form and contents of, . 1120 not to pay higher duties than, when blank letter bill to be sent,.. . 1120 ic., . .. 1044 letter bills to serve as vouchers, .. . . 1120 so with United States vessels accounts between the two departments, in Belgium, ... . 1044 when and how to be settled,.. .1120, 112] steam-vessels of both countries ex- undelivered letters to be returned, &c., . 1121 empt from certain duties, . . . .1045 newspapers, not to be returned,. . ..1121