Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1344

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1292 INDEX. rss: _ rss: Cemetery, Certificates of Stock, (continued.) Mt to iH00\‘p0l‘a.fB the Prospect Hill,.., 855 under twenty-five million 10311, _(F9bi'¤· part of military reservation of Fort ary 8, 1861,) form, amount, mterest, Gratiot granted for, at Port Huron, transfer, &c., oi, . , .. 129 Michigan, . .. . . . . . . . . . . 867 under the ten million loan, (March 2, Mount Olivet Cemetery company incor- 1861,) form, &c., of, 178 porated, .. . 426 for $500 or over, may be exchanged for Cmwteay Grounds, treasury notes or bonds, .. . . 178 President may purchase for those sol- under act authorizing a loan of not over diers who die in the service, ... 596 $250,000,000, .. 259, 318 Census, Cession of Lands, _ of Colorado, Dakota, and Nevada, to be to the United States, b Indians, see taken. See those titles. Iitles of the several iieatzes with In- Census Ojicc, dian Tribes. clerks authorized for, . 14 Chaboya Pedro, _ Census, federal district court in California to salary of superintendent ot} not to be hear and decide upon the merits of increased, . 696 his land claim, ... . . . . . 902 completing compilation ot, 749 testimony heretofore taken may be expense of taking in Colorado, Dakota, used, . 902 and Nevada, ... . ... 748 an appeal may be taken to the su- Onmus, He Eighth, preme court of the United States appropriation for taking, .. 109, 218 by either party, ... . 902 deficiency appropriation for,.. . 132 Challenge, Central Pacyic Railroad Company, additional causes for, to jurors, in the may construct railroad and telegraph United States courts, .. . 430 line, &c,, ... . .. 494, 495, 497 Champlain, Prentis, Gems, invalid pension to, . . . . . . . 887 law permitting payment oi} from mint O'baplaa'ns,

  • repealed, . . 110 each regiment to have one, . ... 270

Certificates, appointment, qualification, duties, and to be furnished those manumitted under pay, . . 270 wtabolishing slavery in the District one to be allowed to each regiment of of Columbia,. . 378, 539 army, . 288 of medical inspector, of discharge, to be gualiiications and pay, $8 suincient evidence of discharge, . 385 m the navy, increased pay oi . 24 when to issue under the homestead how may conduct public worship,., 24 act, ... 392 to report annually to Secretary of Navy, 24 to officers and crews of the “Congress " age of, at their appointment, .. 565 and “Cumberland," to be paid,. . . 818 in the army and volunteers, qualifies.- See Taxes. tions oi) . . . 595 of sale of land for taxes, by commis- pay and rations, .. ... 595 sioners, ... 640, 641 entitled to forage for one horse, ... 594 effect of', and how impeached,. 640, 641 of permanent hospitals, ... 595 signed by persons thrming a banking commander of post to inquire into itassociation, to state what, ... 666, 667 ness, &c.,ot] ... 595 to be acknowledged, &,c., and sent certain, tobe mustered out of service, 595 to comptroller of the currency,. . 667 residence of,. . . .. . 595 authenticated copies to be evidence, 667 to be subject to same rules for leave of of comptroller, that association is en- absenceas commissioned omcers, 595 titled to begin banking business, . 668 the President may appoint one for each to be published in newspaper, or permanent hospital, 404 otherwise, . ... . .. 668 pay, duty, &c.;_ .. . ... . . . .. 404 Cert' tes of Deposit. ee . appropriation or, 509 iofgiltain, to bear interest, .. . . . 846 “Charles Ii Jm·dan," or drafts, ma be issued by superinten · register to issue to bri u n root} &e. 90 ent of bran)ch mint at Denver, in pay- Charlestown Barracks, K, pn P , ment of gold deposits for coinage,. .. 383 completing repairs of,. 552 representing coin in the treasury, may Charter and Purchase <y" Vessels, be issued to pay interest on public appropriations for, ... 267, R6 debt and duties on imports, .. 711 by the Secretary of the Navy, under amount limited, . . 711 the act for temporary increase of, 272 Certqfcates of lndeb/edness, for revenue service, allowed, .. 286 Secretary of Treasury may issue to pub- Clums, lic creditors, ... . ... 352 engraving of] of Behring’s Straits, North denominations, when payable, rate of Pacific and China Seas, 83 interest, .. . 352, 353 appropriations for purchase ot, 82, 149, 380 may be issued to creditors desiring them 812 in discharge of checks drawn by dis- for completion Of, of Sl11'V€y of the bur-sing officers, ... . 870 La Plata, . 150 Certffimm of Swck, for preparing for printing, &c., ot] under twenty-one million loan, how of North Pacific surveying expetransferable, ... 79 dition by Captain Ringgold, . . . . 150