INDEX. 1293 Charts, (continued.) Pm! mh (continued N" . . _ .) publishing, of North Pamhc and ’ ‘ · · Ch [ China Seas and Behring’s Straits, 150 miiiziziiisi. hud x113g!-1086 M M. _ _ of superintendent of nairnl astroapproprmtnons for the, . 45, 221, 513, 775 Panomic ' Chatfimucgu, f I OHM, al expediuon to, .. 150 s , n e · · · ¤»w3L‘·'i°¤a ·· d“ »?Z·Z·¥?"° " “'°"’ ‘“’ “"E£‘?.§°.‘;‘§§X“.?”?T.?f‘??i*Ti‘i‘°r“ “’" 20 in Micggsn, part added to Lake Supe- for commissioner and i · l i · 21 rior_ istrict, .. 588 for W ,:11 Cheney, Rzclwrd, assignee of Horace P. Russ, Csriiggwi. .c0nSulM com I 21 accountof) for paving in San Francisco, for prison-ship in i · I 21 to bn3px1d, .. . . . 888 civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis- Clmmkee alum! _ ters and consuls of the United States Uh ploggroute m, estabhshcd, . 167 in, . . 72-79 cm , _ · four mm‘sh8,ls m* ’ . . . . to be supplied with public laws and d0c· four prisons ma;)l>:hiigd) .’ uments,' , . . . .. 116 See Consul: Ministers. appropri:-mons to, suspended, .. 528 report of survey of ioute between and how to he expended, . 793 California., 88 Cheyenne Indzans, treaty between the United States and, Che survey and allotment of Lands of} .. 791 of June 18, 1858, .. .1023 yennes, contractins `. appropriations for the,. .. . .528, 529, 791 perpetual idxctetfndnaignggip,. . Chickasaws, United States will exert goonlofilpayment of interest to, ... 110 ces, if other nations act unjustto be supplied with public lsws and doc· ly, 1023 umenrs, .. 116 original treaty, how and where to appropriations for the, 48, 226, 515, 528, be kept, . .1023 _ _ _ 777, 793 how to be published, &.c., 1023,1024 provmon for relief ofloysl, 614 minister, &c. of United States in Clubf Clerk, _ _ China. to have right to correto treasurer of the mmt, at Pluladel- spond, &c., with vermin officers, .1024 phm, . . ... 752 communications how sent and to assistant treasurer of the United answered, . .. .1024 States, . .. . ... 752 to visit and sojourn at the capduties of§ ... 768 itul, . .1024 Chic/' Clerk in Pa,¢ent·O_jice, regulations ns to visits,. . ..1024 salary ot; established, 247 residence, expenses, suite, Chief Ewginecrh &c., .. .1024 uppropmmon for 0B0e of} . .98, 99, 140, 362, to have same privileges as rep- 868, 695 resentutive of any mation,. ..1024 Ciaiefq/‘Artilk»y and Ordnance, terms of correspondence and comseuior officer of artillery to act as, . 599 muuicetion by the didbrent class- Chigffs ry' Division, es of authorities, &c., .. .1024 four may be appointed by the Secretary presents not to be demanded by of the Treasury, . .. 762 either party of the other, .. 1024 salaries, &c., 762 personal interviews between oHi· Olziennes, cisls, where to be had, .. ...1024 appropriations for negotiations with,. . . 69 not to be declined on protoxts,.1024 Chde, current matters, how discussed, 1025 convention between the United States provisions as to national vessels of and the republic oi} of November 10, the United States, .. . . ...,. 1025 1858, . . . . . . . . ... ..1088 to have ihcililies for procurcontracting parties, negotiators, ex- ing supplies and making rechange of powers, . .1088 pairs, . . ... . . .1025 claim no be settled, silver in coin shall pursue and cspturepimtes and bars, proceeds of cargo of that have plundcred meribrig Macedonian, . 1088, 1084 can vessels,. . . .1025 King of Belgium to be orbiter, 1084 United States may appoint consuls his acceptance to be asked, and &c. to resale in Chinn, .. 1025 his decision final, .. . . ..1085 relative rank, &c.,. . .. 1025 points for arbiter to decide, ... 1084 rules of conduct, intercourse, r proof upon which he is to decide, ..1084 _ and correspondence,. .. .102o each party to furnish proof to arbi- m absence of consul resort may ter, ... . .. .1085 be had to consul of friendly list of papers to other party,. . .1085 power, .. _ :.1028 ifeither party fails to furnish, srbi· citizens of the United §tstes m ter to decide ou the proof before Chmn. to be protected m person him, .. . . ..1085 and property, _ . 1025 exception of prescription with- offences by or agmnst, how drawn, ...,... .1085 punished, .1025 convention, when to be rstitied,. ..1085 arrests ot) how made, ,... .1025
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