1 294 INDEX. _ nu, na: Clama, (continued.) China, (continued.) _ may pass and repass in imma- convention between the United States diate neighborhood of places and, for the regulation of trade, Nov. of residence, .. 1026 8, 1858, .. _ . _ . 1069 but not to ell goods in the contracting parties, mochfieation of country in fraud of rev- tariff, &c., tariff to be enforced, ...1069 enue, 1026 tariff on imports attached to convenmay engage pilots, hire sei- tion,. . ... 1070-1077 vants, linguists, &c., .. 1027 unenumerated goods, .1077 may rent houses, &c., or hire goods free of duty, ...,... 1077 sites and build thereon,. .. 1025 contraband goods, . . .. 1077 regulations concerning, . ..1026 weights and measures,. . . 1077 desecration of cemeteries by commodities heretofore contraband, 1078 Chinese punished, 1026 restrictions relaxed on, ... 1078 provision as to wrecked or strand- opium, .. 1078 ed public vessels of the United copper cash, .. . .. ...1078 States, . . . 1026 rice and other grains, . 1078 as to merchant vessels plunder- pulse and bean cake, . 1078 ed by pirates, .. 1026 saltpetre, sulphur, &c., . ... 1078 ports where citizens of United States infractions of conditions to cause may reside and trade, .. 1026 confiscation, . . . ... 1078 trade at such ports, .. 1026 vessels entering port, liabilities oi, . 1079 penalty for clandestine trade, . 1026 limits of ports, ... 1079 tariff of duties on exports and im- transit dues, amount, . 1079 ports, .. . . 1026 imports and exports, . 1079 how assessed and when, how penalty for violation of rules,. . 1079 and in what paid, 1028 trade with the capital, . . . . ... 1079 when consul responsible there- meltage fee, abolition ot; .. 1080 for, .. . ... 1028 duties, collection oi under one system at rate of tonnage duties, ... 1026 all ports, . 1080 regulations concerning,. .1027, 1028 prevention of smuggling, .. 1080 when due, .. 1028 lights, beacons, &c., . ..1080 provisions concerning beacons, light signature, ... 1080 houses, buoys, and light-ships,.. 1027 convention between the United States port regulations for merchant ves- and, for the adjustment of claims, sels, . 1027 Nov. 8, 1858, .. . . . ..1081 deserters, mutineers, and criminals,. 1027 preamble, ... 1081 penalty for discharging cargo with- debentures to amount of 500.000 taels out permit, ... 1027 to be issued in fhll liquidation of all in absence of consul of United claims of American citizens,. ... 1081 States, who may act, . .. 1028 distribution,. . ... 1081 provision as to collection of duties, 1028 contracting parties, . ,. 1081 as to reexportation of merchan- signature, ... 1081 dise, ,... . 1028 China Seas, of foreign grain or rice, .. 1028 publishing charts of} .. 150 as to transshipment of goods,.. 1028 Chincotvayue Island, goods may be confiscated for fraud deputy collector of customs authorized on revenue, - .. 1028 at, . ... 537 debts h0w to be collected in China. pay to be fees, .. ‘ . 537 and the United States, &c., 1028, 1029 CVZIPPGIUGS, scholars may be employed and books appropriations for the,. . .45-48, 51, 58, 222, purchased in China, . .. 1029 228, 227, 237, 518, 514, 519, 528, 775, 790 trade with the United States not of Red Lake and Red River in Minneto be hindered by war between sota, appropriation for negotiations China and other powers, .. 1029 with, . 59 jurisdiction over all questions in goods bought for the Yanctonnais Sioux, China between citizens of the and not received by them, may be United States, ...,.. . 1029 used in such negotiations, ... 59 between citizens of the United Secretary of the Interior to examine States and of other powers, .1029 and report if anything is due under communications between citizens treaties to those now in Michigan, . . . 207 of the United States and Chinese treaty with the Black River and Swan local officers, . 1029 Creek. See Swan Creek, @1:., 1105 controversies between Chinese and treaty with, March 11, 1868, . . . . . . 1249 citizens of the United States how certain reservations ceded to the United settled, ... 1029 States, except, . 1249 extortion of illegal fees prohibited,. 1029 reservation set apart in lieu there0i§ 1249 interpreters permitted, ... 1029 boundaries, .. 1249 Christians tolerated, . 1029 annuities in consideration of cession, . . 1250 privileges of most favored nation.. 1030 1253: ’ treaty when and how to be ratified, 1030 to be paid as chiefs request,. 1251, 1252 * signature, ratification, and pr0c1a· reservation to be cleared, &c., in lots,. 1250 E mation, .. . 1030 1255
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