Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1347

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INDEX. 1295 Chippewus, (continued.) PAGE Circuit Courts, nu houses for chiefs thereon,... 1250, 126 right of appeal from decisions of in oxen, tools, carpenters, blecksmiths, la— _ patentcases and copyrights, extended, 130 boreis, . .. 1250, 1253 m Kansas and the new territories. See saw-mill and sawyer, . . . .1250, 1253 time titles, board of visitors to be present at annu- in District of Columbia, power of in ity payments, , . ... 1250, 1253 matters of land damages in casé of appointment, pay, &c., of} 1258, 1253 branch of Alexandria, Loudoun, and payment to chiefs, .. _ .. .. . .12-50, 1263 Hampshire Railroad, ... 128 who not to be considered chiefs,. . . 1251, provision for holding, during temporary _ _ 1253 absence of judge, when there are two agents to have families, and be of good judicial districts in the state 318 moral character, .. 1251, 1263 appropriation for judges ot}. . .’ . . . . 365 laborers to be full or mixed bloods, when fourth circuit to consist of Districts of competent, ... . ..., 1253 Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and Indians not to remove from present res- North Carolina, . . .. 576 ervations, until, _&c., .. . . 1253 fifth circuit to consist of Districts of Mille Lac Indians, .. . .. . .. 1253 South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, female teachers,. . .: .. 1254 Mississippi, and Florida, . . .. 576 clearing and breaking of land, to be in sixth circuit, of Louisiana, Texas, Arlieu of former engagements, . 1251 kansas, Kentucky, and Tennessee,. . 576 amendments, .. . . . .. 1253 seventh circuit, of Ohio and Indiana,. . 576 _ assented to, . . 1254 eighth circuit, of Michigan, Wisconsin, Chzppewas cy" Swan Creek and Black River, and Illinois, .. . . . . 576 _ salary of agent for,. . 792 ninth circuit, of Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, C7urzquz, and Minnesota, · 567 Isthmus of} appropriation for examine- times and places for holding to be as tion and survey of, . 83 heretofore, except in Iowa, . 576 report to be made thereon, 83 terms of} in Iowa, 576 and upon value of privileges of con- allotment of the chief justice and associtract between Secretary of Navy ate justices of supreme court to be as and the Chiriqui Improvement heretofore, . 576 Company, 83 repeal of laws vesting certain district Chittenden, Thonum, courts with powers of circuit courts,. 576 invalid pension to, 887 circuit courts to be held in such dis- Uwctaw Nation, tricts, ... . . 576 postroute in, established, . 167 provision for pending process, .. 576, 676 Clwctaws, clerks and their fees, . 577 appropriations for the, 48, 224, 515, 777, repeal of inconsistent provisions, . . . . . . 677 798 times and places of holding the federal, to be supplied with public laws, &c.,.. . 116 in Kentucky, .. 886 payment of $500,000, under treaty, 238 power and duty of clerk in absence of half in money and half in bonds,. . 238 judge, .. . . . 386 to be charged against Choctaws, in zdjournments, ... 886 future adjustment of claims, 238 special terms, 386 certain appropriations for, suspended,. . 528 terms not limited, 2 . . . 886 portion may be expended upon the duties of onicers of court at such time, 886 loyal, . 614 jurors, mlesmen,. .,.. 386 provision for relief of loyal, . . 614 clerk and deputies, ... 387 Christian Indians, provision for pending process not retreaty with, (see Swan Creek, gra.).. 1105 turned, 387 Ciergfuegos, bail—bonds, deiitult, new bond, . 887 consul may be appointed at,. . . 754 time and place of holding, in West Tensalary and emoluments,. .. 754 nessee, .,. . ... . 687 Circuit Court, provision for process, Src., . 587 for northern district of New York, sub- additional term of} in_ Michigan, . . . 574 division of district for trials of issues terms ot} in Iowa, Minnesota, end Kanof 61.ct,abolished, ... ... 3 sas,...,, ...:...634,635 additional terms oi; in Kentucky, 36, 37 provision for process pending and at Covington, Louisville, and Psdu- returnable, 635 csh, 36, 37 terms o£ in lows, .,.. . ... 699 provision also for special terms,. . 36, 37 in Wisconsin, .,... Z . . ,_ ... 699 clerk to keep office at each place,. . 36, districts of Ohio and Mwlngzm, to con- 31 stitute seventh circuit, . l . _. . 637 for District of Columbia. to have juris- of Illinois, i7lLil3H5l,·3H(iW1SCODS1H, diction of divorces,. ... . ... . 59 to make eighth circuit, . . . . . 637 See Divorce. time of holding, in Indiana,, . . 657 in Califomia, abolished, ... 794 in Oil10,. .. . ...,.. . . . 657 Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, _ m Michigan, ... _ , . _ 657, 661 accounts of clerk to be settled, 408 times and places for holding, in Cahfor- 94 clerk not to be accountable for certain ma ond Oregon,.: .. .. . 7 fees, . . .. . . 408 provision for holding, when regulg.r abolished, . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 764 judge, for any cause, deems it advis-