T Ib DEX. 1 299 _ nan Clerk, (¤<>¤¤¤¤¤d-> _ Clerks, (continued.) °"°' to deliver certificates to slaves in patent-oiliee, pay 0L to be restored,. . 796 I made iree,._. ., . 378, 539 allowed to what assistant paynmsters .. 818 of circuit and erunmal court for the See Additional Clerks. , District of Columbia, accounts ot, to Clerks of the Federal District Cour/3, be settled, . . . . 408 lists of property sold for taxes to be denot to be accountable for certain fees,. . 408 posihed with, . ... . .. 305 former accounts to be restated, 408 fees ot] for services concerning estates allowance to, as clerk of criminal court, 408 sold for taxes,. . 306 of every United States court to give of district courts in California. to deliver, bond, 768 on request, records of land cases to sum and suretxes to be approved by district attorneys, .. 320 court, . . . .. . . . . 768 penalty for not doing so, . . 320 new bond may be required,. .. 768 Clothing, Clerk oflhe House of l`g(’[}I(’S€Ilt<l[l;UPS, aflidavit of Omcer commanding com. duty of, in preparing lor the organiza- pany, to show loss of vouchers,. 641 tion of the house,. . 804 Ccale and Barr, Clerks, payment to, for publishing laws,. . . 887 temporary, in Post—0Bice Department, Coal-Illuminating Oil, appropriation tor, ... 2 duty on, 742 charter of Provident Association of, Coast Dzynce, amended, .. . . .. 17 appropriations for, ... 342, 343, 654, 655 members may withdraw on motion, Coeming Trade, and receive share of assets, , 17 on northern, &c., frontier, master of vesupon land maps, employment of, to sel enrolled and licensed toicile manicease, . 18 fest and obtain clearance, ... 571 number of, in 01Hce of superintendent of proceedings at other ports, 571 public printing, · . , . . 93 Coast Survey, appropriation for pay of, in land·oi‘Hce at appropriations for the, 104, 215, 3-18, 349, 744, Kickapoo, Kansas, . 133 745 payment to be made only on vouchers, 133 use of certain telegraph line to be free payments herctolore made to clerks of to, for scientific purposes, ... 42 commandants at navy-yards of Kit- "C'calzucoalc0s," tery and Philadelpliia, allowed, .. 150 name of the steamship changed to pay of first clerks to eommandants at "America,". ... . .. 593 navy yards established, ... . 151 Cooke, Elizabeth lll., at navy yard and navy agency at Mare judgment against, in favor of the United Island, pay ot, . 565 l States, to be stayed, if, &c., . 834 on special service in general land- Codfceuion, office, . 218 of laws of District of Columbia, acts chief clerk of patent-office, salary ot,. . 247 concerning,. ... . . . . 403, 765 additional, in the offices of the War De- final report, when to be made, . 403 partment, .. , .. 277 part of act repealed, . . 582 otiice of secretary, .,.. 277 of the naval laws of the United States, 825 quarterxnaster·gcneral,, . . . 277, 641 Cafes, commissarygeneral, .. 277 allowance ot, to non-commissioned oflisnrgeon»geneml, . 277 cers, &e,., . ... 68, 830 paymastengeneral, ... 277 Cojfin, 1\mhunwl W., adjimnit-general, . ..,.. , . 277 released from penalties of unfulfilled bureau of topographical engineers, 277 contracts, .. . .. 829 ordinance, ... 277 Coin, _ office of assistant treasurer, New Secretary of Treasury may purchase,. . 310 York, 278 at what rates and terms,. . 370 at Boston, ... 373 interest on United States bonds and _ at St Louis, .. . .. 278, 394 notes to be paid in, _ . ._ .. 340 in Navy Department, 278, 283, 510, duties on imports to be paid in, or, &c.,. 345 511 how to be applied, . . . 346, 347 may be assigned duty in any bureau,.. . 587 ee:-min treasury notes may be exchanged ‘ office of Attorney-General,. ... 286 for, , _. .,.. . . . 2o9—261 to commission to equalize, &.e., pay of small gold, appropriation to enable the _ officers of government, pay, . .,.. 284 mmt to furnish, ... 219 to boards of assessors, appointment, num- contracts for purchase of] &c., . 719, 720 ber, duty, pay, ...,. 300, 301 loans on, not to exceed par value 0£ . .. :19 to take oath or atlirmation, ,... 300 _ Sec Internal lwvanue. to commissioner of taxes, . 312 Cows, _ _ of district attorney in California, .. . 320 English and American, may be ex— 4 of board of police, duty, pay, &c., 321, 32o changed 1or Japanese,. . Z. . . 10 in the ofliee of the comptroller of cur- export ot, (except copper,)all0wed1r0m 4 rency, appointment, classincation, &c., 666 Japan, .. _. . 10 temporary, in Treasury Department, to authority to exchange Spanish quarter HO be classified,. .. . . . . 394, 686 dollars, §:c., for cents, repealed, .. two of class two, in the office of the approprxation for prevention of countgr- 102 signal-ol*Hcer, ,., . . . 753 textmg, . ... . ... 3, vox.. Xu. Inmax- 166
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