Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1414

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1 362 INDEX. nn . . ’*“” - - · {ations (continued) Ltywllmvv, dw., A ro rfations, (continued.) LGQISIUUPQ il`"-: Aww6% amhqr- P°°t‘°m°° buiiiiirig, I. . .,,. 367 aidggional clerks and Hmillfli I Hl · 694, "°`f¤°€¤’2‘§‘l .`?‘f’i‘T'?? iT‘T`."?T‘f’?T‘TfT‘?, _'????. 367 in one cg m$;;=·>j_·j{ f¥$é=§i*{{{·; ,,9, ““"°*'°'“`g°“°"“ “"d °m"`°“ ··‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 368 829:: uditor ’ .. asa odicc of iburth auditor, ... 368 th' a dmr "_____ _ ____, . 595 clerks in Attorney-Geneml’s office, 368 {mil ml txreéglglfét. M Boston, _ , 695 additional clerks, laborers, &c., in 0H0e umwzrgq W York _____ _ ____ _ 695 of Secretary of War, and other offices °'t Seim Low; _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ 595 in war department, . 368 “· { 1 mint ’ ______ _ __ 595 $BSlSi28»11iZ secretaries of wm-, .,. 368 t!‘93S'|1I‘9T Of E9 mw » · · · i I I I I l I e 635 additional clerks in navy department,. , 368 secrétlfy 0 6 Y: · · · { · · I ‘ I 695 water-pipes, hydrants, sw., ,.,,.,.,.,.. 368 ordnance bureau, E4 éhaéoming 4 635 ffeméll for protection of public stores b\1!‘€8·l1 of }’Y'0"l$3° r my l · I M5 and hospitals, .,,,, 368 medicine an su ’ U 695 one fireman only to be employed at €<l¤{Pm?”t an re_ _ _ 695 each store or hospital, .. 368 ¤¤N1g¤¤0¤» ·····-· · · · ····‘ 6,35 pay not to exceed $500, ,. 368 navy department, ..-· - -···--·· · - · 6% roof of library of Congress, .. 368 pension-officew .. 695 pfésérvatiou of plates of Exploring Ex. Secretary of ar, . .··-·· 695 pediiion, . . ... . . .,,,,_ 368 chief of ordmmizep. .. · · . - 695 ¤¤PXp€¤ded balance, if any, how to adjutaiit-genera Qui . . 695 be applied, . . .- , 368 comm1ssnry·geue , .. . . · 695 completing patent-oliice building, ..,, . , 368 surgeon·general;2£1 695 Dliléugé and salaries of John Kline, Jo. patymastengenc ,. .. 695 seph Seger, and John M. Butler, con- chief of engineers, - . . .: . . testahts, .. 368 clerks and employees, how appome 695 district attorneys, for services in sup. ed, .. _. .: ., 696 pression of slave-trade, .,,., 368, 369 appropnauons there or, 0, marshals and other persons, ... 369 salaries oi'_ superintendent of census Colorado and Utah to make one survey- and assistant postmsstengeneral, ing district, .. . 369 pot to be increased, 696 surveyor-general of Colorado to per- Letter- Gbrrzers. See Post-Office Department. form duties, ... 369 to deliver letters for one cent each, S8 Nevada surveying district to be united to receive same for serv1ces,_ . , 38 to that of California, ... 369 provision for daily or semi-daxlydehvery surveyor-general of California. to of letters by, m New York city, . 158 perform duties, ... . 369 appointment, at what offices, .. Z03 post-office and court-house in Philadel- salary, bond, &c., 403 pbia, to be refitted and repaired, . 369 provision may be made for frequent de- _ whole expense not toexoeed, &e., . . 369 livery of mail-matter by,_ ... 403 assistant secretary of interior, appoint- expenses of] to be kept d1s¤nct, ... 704 ment authorized, ... 369 to be paid from income of omce salary and duties, 369 where incurred, .., ‘704 attorneys, witnesses, and commissioners, 685 may deliver newspapers, &c., for pubcommissioner of internal revenue lishers, ... 704 office, .. . .. 686 no fees for letters delivered by, 705 dies, stamps, paper, printing, &c.,. . 686 Letter-Pvslage. See Post-Office Departmem. temporary clerks in treasury depart- to include what, ... . . 705 ment, . 686 matter not enumerated to be treated as, 705 secretary may classify clerks and Letters, assign compensation to each, 686 in post-office, undelivered, if name and department of agriculture, 691 request of writer is thereon, may be commissioner and chief clerk, . 691 returned to writer, . 11 statistics, experiments, &c., 691 not to be advertised or treated as dead encouraging culture of cotton and letters until, Sw., ... 11 tobacco, .. . 691 letter-sheets, with posmgeetamps imof iiax and hemp, as substitutes pressed thereon, may be furnished,. . 168 for cotton, . 691 advertised, when to be returned as dead, 168 territories, igovernment in, ... . 692, 693 postage on dead, returned, ,... 168 New 1\ exico, 692 postage on drop, to be prepaid by stamps 159 gvmhéi . . defs, in California, Oregon, and Wash: as mgton,. ton, to be sent to neml .e - Nebraska, ... 692 Hoi, .. .t. 205 Colorado, ... . ... 692 written by soldiers in service may be Ilgeéadg, ..,. 693 forwarded without prepayment of pom. p§t°.-r' iidé E13! iiié EA `i>1{1£6eQ 693 °g;2>é%égé `¤b'i»é`;3¤is11` Ky }é&€5ie}.ki to be deducted from sppropria.- to soldiers, if prepaid, and directed mon, .. Z . ._ . 693 station, may be forwarded without commissioners of dlrect taxes m msur- charge, ...,.. 272 ‘°‘é2‘K’€£f§S€“ZE2‘§»'?;;es;Z I 1 ‘ ‘Z ‘‘‘‘‘‘' Sd “°°£££§T.‘L‘L'&“ ¤’?£‘E§"“"“"‘? "‘ "°‘“‘ . . ... s , prepaid, . ... S32