Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1415

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INDEX. 1363 Lezze;2£;o;tgu; d2 1;;; LevyC0urtgf Washinglon C'o.,D.C'., (continuedjml of soldéengs, sailors, and marines;.doi$· gu S roads wd budges"' 799’ 800’ certi 'e , need not be prepaid ... 705 4; f certain, may be forwarded, , 706 :;g?:;Iry(:·1dle§ £g?1rre`;dlg3ggdl0use’ gg? what may be returned to their writers, abatement of nuisanccs I- · I U 803 and when, ... . . 706 Sabbathibreaking . P · · · . · l 393 not prepaul by accidentto be forwarded, 705 killinv game and,tisi1{c· · I ·e f U 803 to Eeggarged double postage on de- I licenses to woolesale am?

  gg ...   erséd ... : ...   ... 8 O3

lists of} to be posted or published, .. 703 pualtgrgsg, l.`??,? 801 pay for publicatxon not to exceed levying and collecting taxes1b;;. .., 799 one cent :1 letter, . . . 703 appointment of clerk, treasurer and addressed IIE forcngn languages, to be ccllector of taxes, .. ) 799 800

g;;b;?J;;d m paper of that language,. 703 supeggnteudents and supervisors of:
  • 0 Y0 S,.. .. .

none to be granted under treaty with immediate and extraordinary re- 800 Bcl1V1a,.: .. ... 1 016 pairs, . 801 when President may xssue, to pnvate opemng new roads, or changing armed vessels, . . . .. 758 course of old ones, . 801, 802 rules and regulations concerning,. . 758 proceedings, ..,... 801, 802 fxuthority to cease in three years, . . 758 damages, if claimed, how de- Leu1ze, ,. , termined .. 801 802 pamting m Capntol, by, to be completed materials for making; or repairing road; and paid for, .., 510 how procured, . 802 " Levant, T/:e, tax on property, and on dogs, . 800 act for rehef of wxdows and orphans of bridges tube erected and kept in repair, 800 the officers, &c., of, ... . . 273 poor and po0r—h0uses to be supported,. . 800 to be deemed as lost, at what time, . 273 tax therefor to be leviedkmd colpay, &c., of 0{hcers, &c., to be allowed lected, .,.. 800 to that date, . .. 273 metropolitan police to enforce regulaaddmonal pay to w1d0ws,&c., of those tnons of} .. 803 lost, ,. 273 power of county constables limited, 803 accounts of Andrew J. Watson, pay· to take oath of allegiance, . 803 master of the “Levant" to be settled, 273 to give bond, ,.,. . ... 803 credits to be allowed, . 273 fines, how may be recovered, . 803 Levy, repeal of inconsistent laws 803 on visible property to collect income tax, 310 Levy, Uriah P., I on property of delinquent collectors for attorney-general to ascertain and report collection of amount due,. .. 307 the mcts concerning the will of, de- Levy (hurt ry Washington C0., D. C., vising Monticello to the people of the may grant licenses to mverns, &c., in United States, .. 830, 831 District of Columbia, . . .: ... I . . . 29 Lewzs, Carohne, power and duty ot] relating to payment to, .. . . 846 ways, . , weston, members of, need not be taken from discontnrgued as sport of entry, .,. . 761 among the justices of the peace, 384 Lzabzlzqq, Indwzdzuzl, to appoint commissioners of primary of shareholders m lganking associations, 698 schools, ._ . 395 of directors 111 banking assocumons, 619 no member of court to be commissioner Liberia, or trustee, . 402 YIQSIGEHD may appoint dxplomatxc repto appoint board of commissioners to resentatxve to3.. ... 421 examine candidates for teachers, 395, 396 to be commxsswner and consul-gem clerk ot] to make, &c,, copies of assess- eral, . . X 421 ment books, .. .. pay no o excee to impose aud levy school tax, for pri· apmrm, . . . 4El mary schools, ..,... . ,. . 397 md for colomzamm or emigration to, . .. 4..5 for colored schools, .,. 402 appropriation for mission to, .. 53*} to exercise general supervision over treaty width, of gctober 21, 1862,. . . , . o mi 'oners, . . . . con mc mg par l€S, ... dndynoi gjlpreparing jury list, ... . 428 peafce and fmendshnp, .,.. . ... vacancies in, may be filled by the Prem- recxproczd freedom of oomuéengce, .. dent, . t .. 658 tonnage, mxpost, an other ix resi? act to define powers and dunes of] m goods tH UD1I€d States vesse s no & e certain matters, ..,. proh?§g :;:.;ééééi .. , t ·t, fembers, ... m , .. aigdxdgegt Ialrxldetgrm of office, ..., 799 vessels wrecked or dixrnaged, . one third to go out of omce each year,.. 799 dxspunes as to :}:1 tag?. . .6 when terms commence, .. , ggxgdeges oi most aw ore na non, . `l¤~ f be , acemcics .. , . . Z ..

 itfdcexsgallezignce, psy; .. 799 United States not to rnhergere with Cll€ 

jurisdiction, power, and duty of} as re- domesuc concerns o 1 rm., ... vox.. xu. I1<1>z:x—174