Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1429

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INDEX. 1377 Mi830uf‘i, (CGI1H11i12d.) rl" u Momhr » PAGE acgo confirm certain private land claims 84 mo;} of $8, tnbbq mmpsquwd for 10,, post-routgs established in! .· . Monroe, E‘;Ir?1ont2g’ y her gmk"`;)i i · I U i . 830 annual dxrect tax apportgoned bo, .. 295 p menu; to, for lost 1s.ud·titles in pay, bounty, and pcnsxons to officers mc, . 540 541 and meg of the department oi} .. 374 Morgan, Isaac, ’ appropriagon tlgcrefor, . . Z . 885 title to saline lands in Illinois, condrmed act gmnting pght of way and public to, . .. . .. . 892 r lands to md m gonstructiug railroad,. 422 Morocyoz (Sea Consuls, Ministers.) uma of constructing road extended bex; cuul and criminal jurisdiction of minisyears, ._ . Z . I . . . 422 _ tcrsnud consul: of the United States in, 78 may cx·ed1t agamst her quota. of dxrect Moms, Alemnder, Est tg; nsgriytrizmndw in arming, 600 tide to saline lands in Illinois, confirmed ·.,_ _ · ps, .. t , ... 892 commxssuoncr m be appointed to audit Mom}, M H., aud determine the amount, . 600 account oi} us postmaster of New York rag? ot compensation to be allowed city, to be remliusted, and allowance ne state, . 600 mad , .. . . 834 diicouerg: igféihecn per cent. to be al- 600 balanc: due, if any, to be paid his cxcc- _ gw , c. . utrix, or le nlm resenmtive , ... 834 Mzssounas, _’ _ ’ ‘ Most Favomd Nacgn, P S llkzgyrgprymous for the, .. 51, 227, 518, 529 trezty grovigicgns for tgo b2‘17Ht of}Bt0 I » - ·» the nite tutes. ee cyium, o- suxeties of} released, ... . . 890 livia, China, Japan, Liberia, Ottoman Mdcgjgnééuygg be made to 840 Motley gmrg Paraguay, Venezuaa. Mitchell and Rammelsburg, _ ’ _ psiyment {6, for services as acting secrepayment tn, for furmture for court m tary of Nebraska Territory, . 914 M heuO%;,.&.b ... . . .. ... ... 879 Mount (xivig Cemetery gmnpany, itc , vi ., in t c istrict of olumbm act; to incordegisiondof court of claims against, con- 923 porate, ... ... 4366 rme , ... npme and powers of corporation, .. 4 Models of lnventiaus, may hold real and personal estate, . 426 no articles to be deemed, which can be 1 5 but. not over 130 acres ofI?nd, &c.,. 426 fitted for use, .. 9 not less than xirty acres or cemeof designs, may be dispensed with in tery, .. . .. 426 certain cases, .. 247 burial lou may be sold, leased, &c., 426 authority to appoing agents for tmuspor- 247 ccrtiiicatcdho be title, . tation of; repeale , . recor , .. f Mzmzerqq, lots not subject to depts or taxes, .. 426 collection district oi abolished, &c., 411 managers of corporation, .. 426 M inspector 2 bejnppointed at, &c., ... 411 streets, gc., not to be opened through 427 , A , ccmc ry ... t . mtggtlxzlgnt tgaghglrdren am} heirs _ ot} of corporation not to obstruct street, · I amount duo under pensmn certxiicste, 848 m&c£_,; is . ... Mllqg repo 0 m rmegx emma.. ‘ M;;z;pp;·0priations for the, . 56, 232, 523, 785 corporation not to mus notes as éurreu- 427 cy ... cgerijaiu sirups, entered under name oi] corparators indiYidual£{1iabIe_for debts, 427 to be forfeited, . 330 penalty for defacing orf estroygng grave- 427 Mole] stones. monuments ences, c. .. i Lzpropriations for the, . 10, 235, 526, 789 act mufy be altered 013 repealed,. . . . . . . 427 treaty between the United States and, Mounte¢{ Rg/lemen, _ of December 21, 1855, preamble, con- 981 rcgxmegntgf, t0;1el;r:g;rlnr;:IEavnIq,... tr ti rties, &c., ... presen 0 ccrs 0_r , . afesggnpgylands to the Ujnited States, 981 rule as jo promotion, .. i . . . 289 boundaries thereof, ... 981 two rcgnments ofvnlunteers m eu uc y 642 payments, &<:., by the United States, 981 nyay bew . "“"'°5°* °‘" ‘"°""°’ "°“’ “°‘ 981 ”'“".»‘C;c;‘f1'.1'€’ otyas supervi mg mm of cure , .. . . · S y B iiouring and saw mill, 981 _ steamboats, to be settled, 910 smith’s and tin shop, . 981 Mullzcmg, James M, _ d manual labor school, . 981 dec1g1qn of court of claims agmust a - 928 carpcntm-,joiner, and farmer,. . 982 mmnptmtor of) confirmed, . . . Molels to remove w reservation,. . . 982 Munsee Indzaqs, O ek 1105 expense of removal to be borne by treaty with, (gx gwan re , Qc.), the United States, . O . . . . 982 Murder. Sec Oqpz Hfcmuid mt givin rations to be furnished Inqmns, 982 mqdcj cupxtal 0 ctrgcc u minmug titles of white settlers m Qzgazd 982 gdxm powers cer {5 77 se »•».••••»·».·.••.••..·•.•.•.»¤• ,• sig€xg;:1¤:`rg7;1a£¥i’cg)dg;F wheu,punisl;;l;1e by sentence of gcmiml 736 mation, 982, 983 courbmar , ... ..