Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1438

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1335 INDEX. www F Pm om ( u a ; Pm remtier, , con nue . _ _ appropriations for works of defence on, 342 by whom to be administered, &.c.,. . 588 North, Henry, to be taken by Postmaster-General, postaccount on for wood furnished volun- masters, and all ernpioyeesm departteers, to be settled, . 899 ment and offices, in addition to oath Nmh Pacific Seas, of office,. h Z . 701, 702 ublishing charts oi, .. 150 persons not taking, liable to penal- Narlg Pacific Surveying Expedition, ties, doc., .. 7 02 apparatus for printing, &c., surveys ot, 150 renewal of, m certain matters connected " North Star," The, with patents, not to be required,. 7 96 American register to issue to, . 431 Oath ¢f Alleyumee, Northwest Executive Building, form oi, for cadets, _. .' . . . . . 288 appropriations for the, 140, 278, 363, 690 by whom, may be administered to eu.· Norway, Sweden and, listed men m the military service,. . . 280 convention with, . 1125 persons in civil service of government See Sweden and Norway. to take, ... 3Q Norwegian Bark form of oath, 826 " Admiral P. Torden¤kio1d," damagesto penalty for refusing to take oath, .. 327 be paid to owners oi, ... 916 before whom it may be taken,. . z. . 327 Notaries-Public, violation ot] to subject offender to pzuns in the District of Columbia, may take and penalties of perjury, ... 326 acknowledgments of deeds of real or and to discharge from service, . 326 personal property therein, .. 91 to be taken by masters of American Notice, vessels, clearing for foreign ports, . I . 354 to caveatcr in patent cases, from what commanders of American vessels sailtime computed, 247 ing to foreign ports, to take, 610 of hearings on application for exten- persons prosecuting claims against the sion, . . 249 United States,to take, . . 610 that article is patented, how given, 249 who may administer oath, 610 Nuisances, penalty for violation of, .. 610 in Washington County, D. C., abate- to be required of state or political prisment oi} .. 803 oners before their discharge, 755, 756 Nurses, Oath of Ojioc, pay of soldiers acting as, appropriation act to prescribe, to all persons in the for, ... 645 civil, military, or naval departments apprppdation for citizen, .. 645 of the public service, ... 502 Nyc, . ., oath to be preserved and filed, 502 payment to, for horses, &c., for members Else swearing in taking the oath, to of 28th Congress, .. 907 be perjury, . 502, 503 for damages for being deprived of penalty, 603 use, &.c. of certain lot, . 907 of commissioner, chief clerk, &c., of agto give receipts in full of all claims, . . . 907 riculture, . 388 form ot} for commissioners of primary schools in the District of Columbia,. . 395 0- of assessors and assistant assessors un- Oatlz, der tax act, 434 of assessors and assistant assessors of of all connected with post-office departdirect uxes, ... 296, 297 ment, by whom may be taken, .. 531 certificate oil 297 of comptroller of the currency, and penalty for acting without, 297 deputy, ... 666 of derks of board of assessors, ... 300 Oaths, penalty for taking false, . . 308 forms of; to be prescribed, in trials, &c., of commissioners of police, 820, 321 before certain ministers and consuls of members of police force, and registry abroad, ... 73 of,. .. . 326 under internal revenue act, assessors form of} how to be prepared, .. 326 and assistants, collectors and deputies, of officer making contract, to be append- may administer, ... 632 ed thereto, .. .. . . . . . 412 no fees therefor, . 632 form of,. . . .. 412 Obrcy, Pelagia, false swearing in taking, to be per- assignment of land to children of, .. 1113 _ _ jury,. , 412 0’Brien, Agatha, ’ ·*·"·’·ona.1, for jurors in the United payment to, of sums due her late hus- States courts,. .. . .. . . .. 480 band, Brevet—Major J. P. J. O’Brien,. 843 perilous gegliningh to take, to be dis- 4 Observatory, Naval, c argc m the 'ur , 30 appropriations for,. 82, 149, , , penalty for taking Bilge dath, .. 431 Obstmlgingp 380 564 818 for electors in Washington and George- public highways, in Washington Countown, suspected of disloyalty, ... 403 ty, D. C., how punished, 388, 384 who may administer, . 403 Ocean Mail Sermke, false swearing in taking, to be per- may be performed for postage, ... 88, 39

.. z. . .: . 403 preference to American steamships, 39

for verification of invoices to certify between San Francisco and Olympia, what, . 558 when to be discontinued, .. 69, 70