Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1439

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INDEX. 1387 Ocean Mad Service, (continued.) nu 0,4,,,,,,,;,, na temporary, between New York and S q, ‘ · , Francisco by nearest and most exp'; Ppmpmum fom G6' 81’ S45' 380’ m1' 6::; apgigggz . Q 170 for ogice of colonel ot} .. 98, 99 · ew or · · Odd Fapd San Francisco, vw Panama, ..,.. 205 lppwprmmn for b ud;. 6 °'”·"· bureau i} blishedpart- Independent Order ot] in District of Co- ment,?. . ... 510 lumbia, incorporated, . ... _ . . . 30 appropriation for bureau of, ... 690, 691 power and duties of corporation, 0 'cers, &c., oi their salaries,. .510, 511 &c., . . . 30 Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, Oféndasr _ _ for the navy, appropriation for, 266, 267 provision for surrender ot by Indians. appropriations for purchase and manu- ?e the Treatise with the several Indian facture ot} . . ... 286 ribes. to be increased, .. 287 Ojiee. Sec Contracts. omcers, how appointed, rank and pay of} 287 act to prevent members of Congress and Ordnance, Cltfefqf, officers of government from taking additional clerks in office of} ... 333, 368 consideration to procure, .,. 577 OndnaneeDepartment, act to prevent any agent of government designation of enlisted men oil . . . . 508 from taking consideration to pro- pay, rations, &c., not changed, 509 cure, . . 696 additional ofllcers appointed to, 743 salary to be withheld from certain per- how appointed, .. 743 O sons appointed to fill vacancies in,. .. 646 mm to last only during present re- 744 jicers, 'on, ... accounts of certain disbursing,to be set- officers below rank of iield-officer not_ tled, .. 115 to be promoted, except ailer examina- Ofws of Government, tion, . .. . .. 743 act to prevent, from taking eonsidera- failing in examination, to be sustion for procuring contracts, office, or pended from promotion for one place, . 577, 578 year, ... , . 743 0_§i'cers qt Volunteers, upon second failure, to be dropped to be examined by military board, 270 from army, ... . . . . 748 if report is adverse, commissions to be Ordnance Foundery, _ vacated, ... 270 at Washington Navy Yard, appropria- Ojicial Instruments, _ tionfor, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 380 documents and papers used by United _ “Ordnance ’.Steamboal, _ States officers not to be stamped, 682 appropriation for repairs of, .. . 815 OM 0*'Q9°" _ _ opost-routes in, established, 163, 417, 569, prkisions of swamp-land act extended 3 annual direct tax apportioned to, ... 295 ’grant_not to include certain Inndv. · 3 additional representative in Congre s, 358 segegirgns to be made within two 3 assigned to, ... , .. : . · S gh ‘ud'ci;|_ from what time to be computed, 3 tocigdditiyi . 637 branrmzhogplggiazhnlipecio, certain con- 42 tim in is an _ _ s , . I ciiicbilt id,. .f) . Z . . ._ .. 657 priprgeges . gg expenses of repellrng rebel raids in,bow 750 gpmgox giszpct judge , . 85 OM, R,P:;l’ ``````` °````° .`'` survey of part og boundary between, and H0 ·’ · dm-ed W l‘ t 'erritory, ... .. m!sifi1ri:tr;lel(i?(i . . ... 570 nmeibilgglgeging salticspglggs and con- 124 b 'd , b b `lt cross &c., . 570 tiguons in, ex n ,. . .. vlebsgig toeregirlaie pipes and chim- appropriations for land surveys 1 ,.1:% neys so as not to interlere with such f l_ hbhouu Rrvim in ·" · _ _’ 216 bridges, . .. 570 fg; service in 58; 287, 628, 791, Ohio T/Elfanleerp, { f 274 ’ 793 act orrere o, . . _ nblished-.0...--___ 163 to commence when accepted as postrroutes m, es . ui 8 padompanies by the governor, 274 posim from east of 170 Olympia O'e9?"¤ ’ U I U 'diby, to suppress Inmail-service to, .. _. ... 89 expi<;¤;<;*»0;§§$§ to be Paid,· I l · n19S, 199 0l.V'“P‘"· ( W"$’"Y'g’°" T”:m°cZ’) · - payment may be made in bonds of WY f" °1"“°“‘l “""°“ m bmw! up lgg the United States, . . 199 busimss in the lmdvomcs an` `'`·- appropriation to complete geological sur- °”'“"°" · · 51 226 srs ver Vey ot . _ . .. zov 0 _ appropriations for the, . , , , gram of public lands W, forglgvemty, P“"”» . . · - di t. rtione .. Ordiimportation into Japan prohibited, . . . .1055 :;;;*(?;ria;`;’:I:S `gr°£I;.gn“ i?'i9;r; _ _ _ _ ”°"“‘- . ‘ riations for survey o s in,. . f ·`t' f Washington and Georgetown, ¤PP’°P B M in _______ __ go 0 id iis gnforced by police, .. . . 824 salary of urveyo e , vox,. xii. lrzmcx-· 177