Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1448

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1 396 INDEX. iciou, ova ia, oncas, con mue . _ P N Sm! ) nos P ( t_ d ) nos salniry of consul at, established, ... 336 treaty between the United States and, Pillager Bands, 223 514 776 Marc:] 12£858, preamble, contract- 997 appro riations for the,. . 47, 58, , , mg pair ies, c., . _. . . Pillager lnlolians. See Chippewas. cesswn of all lands to the United treaty with, March 11, 1863, .. 327 States, . I . 997 Pillar Boxes. See Post-O_;7iIce Department. except reservation, _ ... 9 97 may be established for receiving mail boundaries of reservation, 997 matter, .‘ .. 704 to be set apart, &c;, .. 997 expenses of, how charged, 704 whites not to reside thereon, Pine, Charles H.§ unless, &c., 999 portion of judgment against sureties of, roads may be run through,—— remitted, .. . ... 914 damages to be paid, ... 999 he not to be released, 914 not to be alienated, but may be Pioneers, divided among themselves,. 1000 pay of volunteer privates, &ic., oi, . 597 tribes to settle on reservation Piopio-mox—mox, within a year, _ . 997 treaty provisions in ihvor of, .. 947 to be protected therem,. . . 997 Piracy, payments by the United States, . . .997- appropriation to suppress, &c., . 273 999 act supplementary to act to punish, 814, 315 how to be applied, . . . . 997 Plank-roads, may be diminished if Poncas act granting right of way through pub- decrease, . . 998 lic lands, extended five years, ... 577 all claims against the United States Plate. released, .. 1000 duty upon, .. 467 annuities not to be taken to pay Plates and Dies, debts of individuals, 1000 for preparing circulating notes, bow pro- to be withheld from those who cured, and in whose custody kept,. . . 670 drink, &c., ardent spirits, . . .1000 forging, &c., such plates, how punished, 681 tribes to preserve triendly relations, 1000 Plambwg, to pay for depredations, ... 1000 discontinued as a port of entry, ,... 761 not to make war but in self-de- Plummer, Frances H., fence, . 1000 pension to, .. . 920 to surrender offenders, ... 1000 Plympzon, Eliza M., United States to establish school, life pension to. . . 890 provide instructors, &c., 998 Point Ooupee, attendance of children theregrant of land to parish of, in Louisiana, 113 at, ... . 998 condition of grant, ... 113 to furnish mills, mechanics, Point Isabel, physician, medicine, &c.,... 998 Texas, custom-house removed from,... 39 may maintain military posts, Pokagomin Lu/cc Reservation. roads, &c., 999 ceded to the United States, 1249 to pay $20,000 for existing obli- Police, gations, ... 999 of the United States in Baltimore, ap- payment to Joseph Hollman, Wilpriation for, ... ., ... . 279 liam G. Crawford, and Jesse Wilhow to be expended, . 279 Iiams, .. . .. 999 of District of Columbia, act concern- provision for half-breeds, 999 ing, . ... 320426 land scrip to Francis Roy, 999 of what to consist, 321 Poncas to furnish apprentices for members ot] not to resign, except, &c.,. 823 mills and shops, . . . 998 who may not be reappointed, .. 823 to prevent injuries to mills, See Metropolitan Police District, gw:. houses, &»c., 998, 999 uct concerning, Z. ._ 578-582 houses, &c., may be given to In- Copuol, appropriation for, . 356, 868 dians in the discretion of the metropolitan, appropriation for, ... 367 President, . 999 See Detective Police. Metropolitan Police. lawful residents on lands ceded Police Code, may enter 160 acres, &c., .. 1000 for metropolitan police district, 581 signature, ratincation, proclamation, Policemarfs Fund, &c., . ... . 1000 1001 what to constitute the, ... . 325 Port Angelus, ( Washingtozz Territory,) l who may enjoy, . 325 established as a port of entry and deliv- Polqgrrwqz, _ _ _ ery, . 432 m the territories of the United States, mail service at, . , 647 how punished, . 501 Porter. See Internal Revenue. Poor owe! Poor-Houses, provisions of internal revenue act conmmntensnco and support of certain, in cerning, ... . . . . 446, 450-453 Washington County, D. C., . 800 Porter, David D., mx on real and per onal property there- payment to, for extra expenses, 836 Ponmsfor, . ... . . . . ... 800 Porta; Ognmpdéare David D., » _ _ anso on essto .. . . appropriations for the,. . .5, 56, 57, 232, 523, Por¢e»y’ield, Uka•·les,iror Robert,) 824 527, 785 land warrant to issue to executors ol;. . 841