Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1449

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INDEX. 1897 Port H umn, M`ch;'gan nu pag (tmlliter{)reservatiou of Fort Postage, lgogeigglzgizy reci ie is f1 tte uu ru 10 te g n 0 , , PM10 nd, ( Gregg:? *°» f°' fery,. . . 83 one cent: edditionel lnay be iehaged 382 mail-service at, .. , ,______ 547 gg mms d€P°S"°d in b""“"h P""' POT¢1l{I1I!0n,f ul .··.. .,., sae ocosaessmps .. Pwtnlanfaulm 2. aug hui5h6d.- ·.. 886 cnseeex éniuy be charged for each letter paymem m M D mh . I • . r ,: ... _ .`... 880 Pm W. Elmy a b 0*:6% WWTP » -861, 862 to be paid on delivery, ..., 380 esmbushed in Beaufort Duma, S. C. ruterzloi} on mmlable matter of the s0v· mm. Hmm Head, to be mum Por; e cerctllagseahg. .. . 704-709 Rong! , ...,,,,_____ _ 885 ° P’<*P¤* ·*>¥ ¤=¤¤¤v¤» 7%; 0 cars ... .. - . Porttjiw/t;!, f C- P’·Y» f» · - . 885 otlrelrgtlozebe prepaid quarterly7 709 made s p0»€"3?Z°¤¤y‘j`Y.l`Y°Y’YY.?*?.`f ‘'‘' 2},2 d°§?° “’ ”° °h“g°d `”h°" “°‘ """?§?* 70., m' ··•• .,... Q, POT: t§){. &c'}fc' · • • - • n • . . , , , , not 830 es is un aseri s li . ’ ```` : `````'```` pm Mm,t ‘* ° W gm 7*** "‘%£:¢.s“:;,m§:,Fa:·,#·,;":;£*°*;r f m algolxshed as a. port of entry, . .. 482 Postage Sum y m u 0 ’ Ports m lnsurrectfonary States, may be ilgnressed on letter heets &c 167 special agents may be at ommd nt ,,,_ 572 · · S S ’ "' pay cfsuci1_agent.s,??: ... 572 $Efé°$Zi fa?. 167 Pcmougexofgecial agents m, . . . . . . . . . . 821 Podgagtlnuleni; sale é»;·eu;;;d;g£u5;sh?d’ ____ 533 appropriation for erection of temporary with Belgiuin ’ mw' 1:149 worksofdefencein . . 343' Pons q_Ddivery , . Pomqiglcliiuemm, t268 duties may,be collected at, in any dis- may 1;:, discontinued on posh-routes 1I10C when collection at ports of entry where it cannot be safelj continued: 1S ebstructed,. .;. . . ... 255, 256 or the revenue be collected, &c.,.177, 178 cegtggiisilrédthe Mrssissxppi, &c., valley, 537 apgrggaiadon for, on post-routes estab- . s s ... . . . Pmqamq, ’ Postmasgr-Gezerelltm as mm431 may be closed in certain cases, 256 appropriations for omce of the, . 100 141 when obstructed, duties may be col- 279, 864 691 lected at ports of delivery in same to give detail of expenditures under district, &e.,. .. 255, 256 head " miscellaneous pa.ymem.s," 38 established at Suspension Bridge, may establish boxes in the suburbs of Rouse’s Point, and Sault She. Marie,. 761 cities, . ... 38 discontinued at Lewiston, Phmsburg, to modify contracts with mail contractand Michilimackinnck, . . 761 ors between California and Washing- Postage, ton 'ferritory, . 69 term " letter postage" to include what, 705 be advertise for proposals for overland on drop letters delivered by carriers, 11 mail to California, . 169 0n&grepaid letters directed co soldiers, 2 2 to extend mail route in Tcxes§ . . .. . 169 ., .. 7 to provide steamslxip between ew ork name, date when subscription expires, and San Francisco, 170 and address of person to whom sent, to refund money to Franklin Haven and may be written, &c., on printed male others, . .. . . l .. 205 ter after publication, .., 4 may return all dead letters, except, &c., 332 0n letters by private ship, .,.. 168, 706 may employ additional clerks in deaden letters or packets, by steamships on letter oHce, ... 332 routes where mail is regularly con- 158 toreportto Congress additional in- 332 veyed, . ., . come, . . .. . on newspapers regularly delivered to may establish branch poswiicest. . 380 regular dealers, .. I .. ,. .. 168 and rules and regulgtions therefor, 380 on maps, engravings, prints, envelopes, may esmblishndcogst mm; ggwecn San 382 &c., . . 169 Francisco a rescen 1 y ._ 1. . on cards, in packages, ... . 169 may change the termini of cerinm existon seeds and cuttings in packages, . 169 ing mul-routee, . _ ... 4 21 from places east of Rocky Mountains to may iix the salaries of special agents on any stave or territory on Pacific,.. .169, 170 temporgry service at lugs, &c.,. .. 421 on drop-lemners no be prepaid by stamps, 15555 todewé-min; upor:1xpen<i;u;:;;?g;g£ pm on r pos serv on letters written by soldiers need not routes,. .. _ . : ... 4 32 be prep».id 270, 271 muy_contact for mul service by stealinon deed letters returned m writers, 168, 3%%% sing between San Francisco and Vic- 647 rm., .. _ . r. . 2 _ .. on letters of sailors and marines in ac- duty as no mml service in Minnesota, on 64 tual service need not be prepaid,. . . .. 332 route 18,564, .. G