Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1487

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INDEX 1435 Ihamtqj Nom, (continued, nu u ,, ne: V> bé }<=2¤l tenderjexeept rm- dum, T"é’Sgj1°”*f£ant7"=; $¢?¢<>¤>ner, _ on imports and interest on public N0;§e y ue m’ to b° pwd M°S°’ debt, . . . . .· 711 , ·... . . .. . .. 836 when returned to treasury, may be reissued, . . .,. . 711 issues authorized in lieu of those U' h cancelled, . . ... 711 Uinatillas ow signe , &c., . . 711, 712 151-3399 with. Sec pyaywwaun

   t   718 Umpepgprepnations for the, .. 6, 238, 624, 786

fractional notes ma be issued in i · · . lieu of p0SC¤.g€ cugrenqy, _ _ _ _ __ _ _ 711 g§::§;tl°:s:ghnP$N, 8·pp!'0pr1a· Trtzsvgy, Secretary of the. See Secretary of Unpquas, pe 0 0 ’ '``'’" 795 reasurqr n·,m·¤¤s . appropriations for- emu of 1;he_ _94, 136, 13.,, “PP’°P for the, . 45, 221, sgié Eggs T _ 858, 685 Under-Cooks, ‘ I

  • `WW_ i _ _ _ each co

with certain Indian tubes, appropriation Africarr:'p47exg:;ei(ii,<Tl?, , vc WO, of 744 Y0! ¤<}g0t1Ming, .., , ,,,_,__ _ ____ 529 pay and mmm . · · ‘ ······- · ·... 744 onees, or e diane, 629 e m ’ · S with certain Sioux Indians, annulled in lygaci/Ii; gmvhmpmszzgm Oil l D l · I I' 860 Fpazisegtiés. . .sg . . 652 gat tpyipclonrporafp the, 489-498 vera coun es een ‘ ‘ sind? Indian Tribes, see those Several “United States,;" am`/ic company` gz 3, name ofth u · · » ?`1E£pGJ$. 1See 1W}ful Trespass. United States A;rim4§g;7$9o};igy, changed to, 250 ['rewind, 6. G., _ act to incorporate, ... 12 _ P9·Y!¤¢¤t W ¤?p¤‘6¤¢¤f·¤·¤V<-BS GC -··.. 849, 850 corporate name, powers, &.c., .. 12 Trwls, officers and their duty, .. 12, 13 form of, before certain ministers and terms of membership, .. . . 13 consuls abroad, .. .78, 78 United States Mililmy Academy. Trinidad, (Ca/{fbrrnh,) '\ See Mditary Academy. mail service at, .. 647 United Status and Paraguay Namyation Cam- Trfnidad dc Cuba, Pa » consulate at, maybe discontinued, .. 754 _ Zzxims of; against Paraguay, to be set- Tripoli. See (Jonsuls, Ministers. tied by s. commission, . 10874090 civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis- “United States Bonds," ters and consuls of the United States term, how construed under the banking in, ... 78 association act, 666 Trout, Wendell, United States Notes, land warrant to issue t0, .. 845 $150,000,000 may be issued for ex- Trustees of Public Schools, changes, .. 710 to have control of funds, &c., for educa- when issued and applied, how retion of colored children, 407 placed, . ... 710 to provide rooms, teachers, &c., ... 407 $50,000,000 may be issued to pay army, Trustees of Se-hoolsjbr Colored Children, navy, and other creditors, ... 710 in District of Columbia, board of; cre- to include amount formerly authorated, .. 537, 538 ized, . . 710, 711, 828 powers and duties of, . 538 not to bear interest, . . 711 term of office oi} . 538 how payable, and denominations,. . 711 vacancies, how filled, . 538 to be legal tender, except for duties Trustees, and interest,. ._ . 711 of primary schools for education of youth ivhen may reissued, ... 711 in Washington County, D. C., provis- issues authorized m lieu of those ions concerning, 395-402 cancelled, . 711 Yicerck, Lieutenant Herman, how signed, Spc., ... _ ._ .. 711, 712 T invaéid pension ... . ... 918 penaltxeisc for counterfeiting, alter- 718 unis. ee Consuls, inisters. I mg, ., ... . .. _ . ... civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis- issue of $100,000,QOO oi authorized, 828 ters and consuls of the United States 78 not léeamng how payable, 823 iu, ... an enomn , I Turkey. See Cemsnls, Ministers. to legal tender, ... 828 consulates iu, appropriations for, Z1, 171, 335, receivableand payable for all dues ex- 638 cept duties on imports and interest on civil and criminal jurisdiction of minis- _ public debt, ... 828 ters and consnls of the United States Umvsrnty Lands, _ iu, ... 76 granted to Qregon and Minnesota, . 208 one marshal may be appointed in, . 77 See also [sans0s2V0a1oz16a, Dakota, and one prison may be hired m, ... 78 _ _ eva . Tuscumbia, Unsqfé Buzldnrqs, 579 Alabama, not a port of delivery, ... 537 1 power of police over, ...,.. . ..,.. vox,. xr:. lsv2x- 183