1436 INDEX. nos PM! Ihsurveycd Lands,Valuatizm, (continued.) laws in regard to settlements upon, ex- under the internal revenue act, how tended to California, 410 made, ..,... 434-489 but not on mineral lands, . 410 may be equalized, . . ,. 431 when claimed for preemption, notice of not to be increased without notice, 437 specific tracts claimed when to be Eled, 413 “Value and Valued," _ effect of failure to file notice, .. 413 construction of the words in the tariff L§>pm· Pend d’0rc:'lle Indians, act, ... 197 treaty with. See Flat/Mads, Wm Buskirk, Maryelt, Useful Arts. See Patent Office. payment to, . 857 act to promote the progress of} 246 Vmaderpoel, Isaac, Ltzuy, to be allowed a certain sum in settlein making loans or discounts by bank- ment of accounts, .. 916 ing association to forfeit the debt,. . . 679 "Varum1," Utah Territory, pay to petty olhcers and seamen of the, payment of Indian agents in, . . 19 for losses of property by the sinking appropriations for Indian service in,. .19, 58, of, 622, 623 237, 791, 792 Vauier, J. L., for government of§ ... , 101, 142 expenditures reimbursed to, .. . . . . 749 for survey of public lands, 139 Venezuela, expenses incurred by, to suppress In- treaty of amity, commerce, navigation, dian hostilities, to be refunded, .. 151 and surrender of fugitives with, Aupart of territory of, added to Nebraska,. 244 gust 27, 1860, .. 1143 post-routes in, established, . 165, 421 contracting parties, ... 1143 annual direct tax apportioned to,. .. 296 peace and friendship to be established, . 1143 and Colorado, to make one surveying privileges of citizens of either nation in district, ... 369 case of war, .., 1144 and Colorado, to make one land dis- passports, ... 1144 trict, .,... . 409 military service, exemption from, .. 1144 salary of surveyor-general in, . 409 privileges of citizens of either nation for certain acts of the territorial and pro- the transaction of business, . . 1144 visional government of] annulled and right to employ agents and brokers,1145 disproved, . 501 to have access to judicial triburights of property not interfered nals, .. 1145 with, . 501 religious toleration, provided for, .. 1145 salaries of Indian agents in, 793, 794 cemeteries to be protected, ... 1145 Mala, personal property, right to dispose ot).1146 appropriations for the, 791 right of succession, ... 1146 Uterine;. See Penalty. real estate, .. 1146 counterfeit treasury notes, how pun- imports and duties, .. 1146 ished, . 347 reciprocity of trade, .. 1147 equal duties to be assessed upon V vessels of both nations, 1147 ‘ exports, equal privileges to both nations Tizomzcies, concerning exportation of goods, 1147 in lists of medical officers, how filled,.. 150 coasting trade, to be reserved by each in company offices, among volunteers, nation exclusively for its own citizens,1147 how filled, . 270, 318 national vessels, character oi . . . . .1148 in rcgimeutal offices, .. 270, 318 duties, no other or higher duties, .. 1148 proceedings in case of certain tempo- to be the same to each nation as if rary, in office of judge of federal dis- payable to any other foreign trict court, 318 country, .. 1148 caused by organization of cavalry forces, imports, no prohibition of} 1148 how to be zilled, .; . 599 privileges, granted to most favored nain executive departments of the govern- tions by either party to enure respecment, how filled, ... 656 tively to each, . 1148 '• not for longer term than six months, 656 duties, imposing of dis riminating, 1149 . in levy court, District of Columbia, may vessels, privileges relaiing to wrecked be filled by President, .. 658 vessels, ... 1149 Hrccinadan, charges and salvage, . 1149 among the Indians, appropriation for, 57, 237, repairs, . 1149 528, 790 storage of cargo during the same,. . 1149 Valclte, Eli, fees and charges, 1149 payment to representatives oi . 850 neutrals, rights of ,... 1150 Vallejo, Mariano G., blockade, notice of, right to leave, . 1150 payment to, . 837 contraband of war, articles enumerated,1151 Valuatwn. See Direct Tax. free ships, free goods, liberty of persons,l151 of real estate under act imposing direct sol iers in service of enemy, .. 1151 tax. to be of what date, . 297 merchant ships on the high seas in time _ further provisions concerning, equaliz- of war, ... 1151 ing by increasing or decreasing, &c.,. 300 shall exhibit papers, certidcates, upon what principle to be determined, 297- &c., .. 1152 _ 300 goods not to be contraband, ... 1152
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