Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1489

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INDEX. 1437 Wnzuebx, (continued,) Pm! 7,,,,;, qi- W · uu passports for neutral ships 1152 of the ar, (cqngmueq`) , . . . . e navy, divided into four classes,. 583 to belrencwed every year, 1152 first rates, commanded by eommodores 683 addmonal ceruficate of cargo, 1152 second rates, commanded by captains , 583 no other paper required, .. 1152 third rates, commanded by command; vessels rmhout passports, by whom ers, . . 583 _ examined, wlien contiacated, 1152 fourth rates, commanded by lieutenant 1f master ot ship named m passport commanders, .. 583 l dies, . .. _. . .: . .. 1153 Vzdoria, (Wmcouverls bland,) gh;p¤ war,lexam1n?fxon of vessels by,1153 mail service between, and San Franciss nps sm mg wit i convoy, ... .1153 co, contrac, duty in case of captured vessels,. .1154 Vigil, Cornelia, umd appropriation for" h 647 commander and supercargo of ves- land claim of} coudrmed to certain exsel not to be removed, .. 1154 tent, . . 71 crew and passengers, .. .. .1154 Vigil, Juan B., courts, prize courts and decree, .. . . 1155 land claim oil not condrmed, .. 71 ships of war, commanders oi responsi- may institute suit for lands claimed . .. 72 ble, . ., 1155 suit to be brought within two years, 72 privateers responsible, and com- how court to be governed, 72 manders of to give bonds, .. 1155 Villarubia, Jose, Jr., prize vessels, &c., not to pay duties, 1156 released from certain penalties, 889 not to be arrested,. . .. 1156 to pay costs, . 889 limitation of privileges in relation t0,1156 Wrginia Land Warrants, privateers of enemies, prohibition in re- construction of former act concerning,. . 84 lation to, ... .. .1156 no warrant to, satisfied with certain citizens of one nation not to use letters scrip, . . ,. . . S4 of marque against the other, .. ..1157 Virginia, consuls and vice-consuls, al- post-routes established in, .. . . . 166 lowed, . 1157 annual direct tax apportioned to, .. 295 shall enjoy privileges, &c., 1157 blockade of ports oi, declared,.. .Appeudix, shall sit as judges and arbitrat0rs,.1158 1259 shall arrest deserters, proceedings inhabitants of part ot, proclaimed to be in relation to,.. ... 1158 in insurrection,. . Appendix, 1262 fugitives from justice to be delivered up commercial intercourse therewith proon evidence of crime, .. 1159 hibited, . . Appendix, 1262 crimes for which surrender is al- Visser, Simon de, lowed, . . .. . ... 1159 released from certain penalties, 889 Executive alone to surrender, . 1159 to pay costs, ... . . 889 expenses at cost of party making Volunteers, demand, .. 1159 certain, to be paid from date of their orprovisions for surrender oi} not to ganization and acceptance as compaapply to political otlbnces, ... 1160 nies by governor of state, ... 898 convention, for term of eight years,. . . 1160 certain in alleghany county, Maryland, notice to terminate, .. 1160 to l>e_paid, ... : . 2. . 899 place and time of ratification, . 1160 limit of amount paid to individsignature, date, &c., 1160, 1161 114:1:; --.-.- :66- - 899 Vermont, paymen v_ , or servi s post-routes established in, . 165, 419, 574 and m Iowa,. . .: . 68 annual direct tax apportioned to, ... 296 payment t0, for services in Uwh, ······ 151 additional representative in Congress in Oregon \Vuslnngton, .. . 198 assigned to, ... 858 m Califorma., Z ... 199 Vessels, appropriation for year ending June 80, intended for piratical aggressions may 1061, to pay those called mto the ren- 44 be seized and condemned, .. 314 vice of the United States,. ..255, 264, 8 6 duty of commanders of public armed _ _ 345, 88 vessels, collectors, marshals, &c.,astg2_ 316 appropnatzpn to refund to states ex- 264 em lo ed &c., in trans ortation penses 0 ,: .. ghigese coolies to be for-Eeited, &c.,.. t tgorétpllassizlseerilez $,0 H. 1* · ... not over 500,000 may·be accepted, . 268 n21T:; 481 term of service, disbandment, &c.,. . : . . 268 The “Maury," 431 laws applicable to all volunégers serving 268 The “Henry H: Didier," ... 431 for not le? tgian :1:: mopagshbh. Vzsselsqf War, · to be calle or y promm to awhof the United States, sunk, act for rais- 431 gpm states m proper ZES 269, 285 in , .. n, .. I .. , SCCOEHCS of officers and crew of those proclamation 120 sgtsmzgzgé. ..268, lost in naval engagemenm at Hamp- to be subgeeiz to armymenm of ton Roads, March 8 and 9, 1862, to to beforme nite regl; 269 be equitably settled, ...,... 876 _ artillery, an c¤€;Y¤hg’v;·lhhhé· 269 of foreign nations, reciprocating the ¤!}¤!"_“Y Yeggngn. ¤ H how privilege, may buy supplies from d1V1¤1°¤¤ lmmd ngad ¤ - _ •____ m bonded warehouse, duty free, .. . 560 and cillce , ...