20 THIRTY-—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 60. 1860. Rome, Naples, Sardinia, Belmum, Holland, Denmark, Sweden,•Tur·key, New Granada, Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Sandwich Islands, Costa. Rica, Hondurm, Argentine Confederation, and Japan, two hundred and ninety-six thousand five hundred dollars. $°*?’°**¤'i°¤ °f For salaries of secretaries of legatron, forty thousand dollars. 1°g“°‘°°'&°° For salaries of assistant secretaries of legatron at London and Paris, three thousand dollars. For salary of the interpreter to the legation to China, five thousand dollars. For salary of the secretary of legation to Turkey, acting as interpreter, three thousand dollars. For compensation to the interpreter to the mission to Japan, two thousand five hundred dollars. · I Contingent ox, d Tor contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, twenty thousand p¢DSCS· O afs. For contingent expenses of for·eign intercourse, forty thousand dollars. Bm,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,_ d0;:;; expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, three thousand (go,,,,,,;,,;,,,,;,, For expenses of the consulates in the Turkish dominions, viz.: inter- Tmkey- preters, guards, and other expenses of the consulates at Constantinople, Smyrna, Candia, Alexandria, and Beirut, two thousand five hundred dollars. American wt. For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, ¤·¢¤- two hundred thousand dollars. For the purchase of blank books, stationery, arms of the United States, seals, presses, flags, and for payment of postages and miscelllangus expenses of the consuls of the United States, thirty thousand 0 rs. omwmror For office rent for those consuls general, eonsuls, and commercial g;¤¤¤l¤ z<‘=¤¤¤¤. agents, who are not allowed to trade, including loss by exchange thereon ' twenty-seven thousand three hundred and seventy dollars. 3,1.,,;,, of For salaries of consuls general at Quebec, Calcutta, Alexandria, ¤°¤¤¤l¤· Havana, Constantinople, Frankfort-on-the-Main; consuls at Liverpool, London, Melbourne, Hong Kong, Glasgow, Mauritius, Singapore, Belfast, Cork, Dundee, Demarara, Halifax, Kingston (Jamaica), Leeds, Manchester, Nassau (New Providence), Southampton, Turk’s Island, Prince Edward’s Island, Havre, Paris, Marseilles, Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Lyons, Moscow, Odessa, Revel, Saint Petersburg, Matanzas, Trinidad de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, San Juan (Porto Rico), Cadiz, Malaga, Ponce (Porto Rico), Trieste, Vienna, Aix-la-Chapelle, Canton, Shanghai, Fouchou, Amoy, Ningpo, Beirut, Smyrna, Jerusalem, Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Antwerp, Funchal, Oporto, Saint Thomas, Elsineur, Genoa, Basle, Geneva, Messina, Naples, Palermo, Leipsie, Munich, Leghorn, Stuttgardt, Bremen, Hamburg, Tangiers, Tripoli, Tunis, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Vera Cruz, Acapulco, Callao, Valparaiso, Buenos Ayres, San Juan del Sur, Aspinwall, Panama, Laguayra, Honolulu, Lahaina, Cape Town, Falkland Islands, Venice, Stettin, Candia, Cyprus, Batavia, Fayal, Santiago (Cape de Verdes), Saint Croix, Spezzia, Athens, Zanzibar, Bahia, Maranham Island, Para, Rio Grande, Matamoras, Mexico (city), Tampico, Paso del Norte, Tabasco, Paita., Tumbez, Talcahuano, Carthagena, Sabanillo, Ornoa, Guayaquil, Cobija, Montevideo, Tihita, Bay of Islands, Apia, Lanthala; commercial agents at San Juan del Norte, Port au l’rmce, San Domingo (city) St. Paul de Loando (Angola), Monrovia, Gaboon, Cape Haytien, Aux Cayes, and Amoor 32·lp;·,Stw·o hundred and sixty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty In rotors in ‘ Clgntfz For interpreters for the consulates in China, three thousand dollars. ,w°g:“U*;‘{{Lg°’ For compensation of the commissioner, secretary, chief astronomer and E;,?",;:;?;;,. surveyor, assistant astronomer and surveyor, clerk, and for provisions,
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