22 THIR.'1`Y—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 61, 62, 64. 1860. allotted to the mservees who are deceased leavingano heirs for the benefit of the living reservecs,their heirs,and the heirs of those deceased, equally; said lands to be sold in accordance with such rules arnd regulauous as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Indian Affhxrs, and approved by [the;] Secretary of the Interior; and patents in the usual form shall bc issued to the purchasers of said lands, in accordance with the provisions of this act. f’€§°°d¤£*`th Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds of the land, the gzsem gg the x.; sale of which is provided for by this act, shall be paid to the parties emiservees. tied thereto, or applied by the Secretary of the Interior for their benefit, in such manner as he may think most advantageous to their interest. A1=r1:0v1c1>, May 26, 1860. May 26, 1860. CHAP. LXH.—-An Act to authorize the President of the United Stales in Cmjnmctfon
- "—"’_‘ with (he State of Culy?2rm`a, to run and mark theBounda1y Lines between the Territories
of the United States andthe State of Calfamia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House q" Represmtatives of the United Commission to Sécdes of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United {un hcungxricn States be, and he hereby is, authorized and empowered to appoint 21 suita- S:;‘€‘c;€;}m'R;‘;m ble person or persons, who, in conjunction vrith such person or persons as md cnygrmtnm, may be appomtcd on behalf of the State of Cnlrfornra for the same pur- B<>¤¤d¤¤¤¤· pose, shall run and mark the boundary lines between the Territories of the United §tates and the State of California; commencing at the point if xstcxgcctngn of the forty-second degree of north latitude with the one un re an twentieth degree of longitude west from Greenwich, and running south on {be line of said one hundred and twentieth degree of west lcngxtufle umd xt intersects the thirty-ninth degree of north latitude; Igefvcegunnnng m a straight line in a. southeasterly direction to the river ora 0 at a point where it intersects the thirty-fifth dcvree of north latitude. ° b°L;2‘g;%“;l§°°0Ei E30- 2} Ami be i¢ f¥¢Nbv1‘ €7fG€{6d, That such landmarks shall be estabm,,, gw IS lc 41 fre sand ppmt of begummg, and ut the other corners and on the seveml hues of sz11d boundary as may be agreed on by the President of
the United fetates, or those acting under his authority, and the said State c¤r!if;»; ¤;sL:o of Culrfornm or those acting under its authority: Provided, That the
giécd bhm person or pcrsAns appointed and employed on the part and behalf of the wh t State of Cahforma are to be pmd by Lhe said State: Provided, further, Ioycd by me that no persons except n superintendent or commissioner shall be appointed Ylmmd Status. 0F employed in this Service by the United States, but such as are required to m2lkG ¢h€ necessary observations and surveys, to ascertain such line and G1'?; imggxble m£); lUU1;gl{S gg(3`00D, and make return of the same. VED, ay , . June 1 1860. Crm-. LXIV.—·-An Act aurlmridn rl *· Do e` d F J 11* · ; , t he ;F’rg:s/are: E;;5scopal Church 1`2?lh¢;8U}x¢'ledm» §`:<;fesq? to egggqéljgqqgtsg egg anne ulcof I isconsin.
Be it enaclcdfy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United zl[€; Qf Ahl?7`1L§L gz Oongrws assembled, That the “Domestic and For-
F _, b ¤n r»10nmy ocxety of the Protcsmm: Episcopal Church in the United mared at M25 {nice bc, and IS hereby, authorized to enter, at the rate of one dollar and per aero. t§\·c¤1t);;fiv<g cents per acre, a certain trzrct of land known as the “Mission
sé: E;r:;J:1E<L :1s :;:;u? l§er enghreez, ch thefast bank of Fox , . z , 0 xsconsm, avmv u rout on Fox River
33 chmm, zind running enstwardly bach from ?he river, between para jrres, orze mndrcd zmd fif}y-four and sxxty-nine hundreths chains, and ¤01X:;;r;;; :;cf}·-twofxnggéaéghcy-one hundredths superficial acres. , une , ,